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"So how's school??" Jones asked as soon as Terry had a bath

Jones signed and grabbed a chair then had a seat in front of his daughter

"Honey.... I'm a single dad....and you're all I have left....I need to know what goes on in your life Tee but if you keep shutting me-"
"I tell you everything dad!!" Terry cut him off
"Not everything.....after what happened in your school to that kid two months ago"

Terry kept quiet...she was done thinking about It and even talking about it

"I don't wanna talk about it dad"

Jones sighed with defeat but understood that Terry didn't want to relive that night

"I just want you to be happy and I want you to know that you can talk to me....I don't want you going to school and coming back all gloomy and sad"
"I know dad...."

Jones decided to leave her to herself hoping that she would smile like she always did before and bring joy in the house like the way she did when her mother chose to leave them a year ago....she was all he had
Skylar kicked off her shoes and threw herself on bed...school was still the hell it had been before...with the good memories....bad and the worst....she really wanted to say it out loud but she didn't want to because she believed nothing was her fault....but the little guilt inside her kept nagging her endlessly making her fall deeper and deeper into a pit that had no end and was full of darkness
Her bedroom door flung open and she quickly sat up looking at her young brother parade in like it was his room

"Tyler WTF!!" she exclaimed
"What the fudge??"
"No..FUCK" she snapped"WDYW"
"I want birth control pills...have them??"

Skylar gasped as she threw a pillow at Tyler who swiftly ducked

"Get out of my room "
"Like I never entered" Tyler waved and slammed the door behind him

Skylar growled and huffed as she grabbed a handful of hair feeling like uprooting her own head
She didn't have a peace of mind and she didn't have birth control pills
She had never needed them because she swore she was going to be sealed till Mr.right came along and then she never used them because Mr.Wrong broke the seal before she even thought of what she was doing and how she did it....she was sure they were not needed ever again...not because she'll do the deed carelessly but because she was not going to give it to anyone
She rolled off her bed and grabbed her jacket then dashed off downstairs

"Where are you going??" Amanda asked as soon as she walked out of the kitchen
"A walk"
"Come back home early..alright...be careful"
"I will" Skylar pushed her arm through her left sleeve and zipped up her jacket "and please ask Tyler whose the unlucky girl he's going to bed with"

Skylar walked out after hearing her mother curse under her breathe before shouting Tyler's full name
She smiled to herself...her fifteen year old brother was surely going way off the road and she was totally unreliable when it came to setting him on track
With her hands in her pockets she walked head down stuffing her chin and mouth in her jacket's collar avoiding the cold wind

"Hey neighbor"

Skylar turned around and saw Brad walking behind her...she rolled her eyes and quickened her pace....in seconds Brad was striding next to her

"I thought you were with Terry" she mumbled
"I thought YOU were with Terry"
"Wow....I'm a rival aren't I...I should definitely marry her" Skylar's voice dripped with sarcasm
"I plan to"

Skylar's steps faltered and she almost tripped over her own foot but Brad quickly wrapped his arms around her and caught her before she hit the ground

"Easy there"

Skylar looked up at him with an unreadable expression on her face one would say surprise+disappointment+heart break+ shock

"Are you alright...I-I was joking you know" Brad said

Skylar's chest fell...it was an inward sigh since she was not even sure she was breathing after holding her breathe for seconds

"And she's fucking the neighbor" Tyler sung as he walked past them

Skylar ignored him as she gently removed herself from Brad's hold

"He your young brother??" Brad smirked
"I don't want to know" Skylar sighed

They both knew Tyler said exactly what had already happened between them

Skylar and Terry walked down the hallway talking about future plans since the past was too bad to be spoken about or heard of.... None of them had done much during the holiday other than run away , hide and seek solitude....they didn't go to the Beach or go shopping like they used to....take long walks or go to parties... Or get each other gifts like they were accustomed to.....

"I'm currently writing an article about friendship....mostly on best friends this time....you want in??" Terry asked
"Why not.... I mean I'm your Bestfriend....unless you have another one in mind"

Terry giggled and shook her head

"Like I'd want to...I'm going to attach pics to the article...and we won't be the only pair....there are a few Bff pairs I've seen....and God.... Do you have any cool Pic we took together....my gallery is BLAH!"


Skylar started going through her phone searching for the best photo they had taken recently that doesn't look like just a "selfie" but shows the moment and the magic...


She raised her head and looked at the short ginger haired girl who was running down the hallway towards her

"Hey" she forced a smile since she had already forgotten her name....being popular sometimes came with that awkward moment when everybody knows you but you don't

"I'm really sorry if I interrupted anything...I just wanted to ask you something.....we talked about this when you were not around because you were nowhere to be found but we just thought that maybe we should have some kind of memorial for Desiree...you see after she died and you all went AWOL we didn't say a proper goodbye other than attending her funeral but she was our classmate and friend-"

Skylar choked and started coughing....they were all gravely silent and had weird looks on their faces

"So....we've decided to do it tonight.....at my place....most students are coming and you should too....you're this class's president and a classmate as well....and both of you were one of the people who saw Desiree when she died....I think you should all be there...although Cas is not there but .....it will really be something...you all didn't attend the funeral so this is your chance to say good bye .....so??"

Skylar looked down at the girl with glistening watery eyes... She blinked before taking in a sharp breathe and answering

"Sure...why not...we will be there....good thinking.....uuhmm....a proper g-good bye won't be bad"

The girl smiled widely

"Great....see you at seven!!"

The girl ran off probably going to get Casmy ...Terry and Skylar looked at each other and they saw the burden of guilt in each other's eyes....maybe a proper goodbye would settle it all

How is Casmy,Terry ,Skylar and the other girl related to Desiree's death??

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