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Terry loved her world revolving around people she liked but Casmy was too much for her.....she didn't hate her but her very existence made her sick... Apart from that eventful night when they had all been together nothing had changed about how she felt towards her....and even as they sat looking at each other after being paired up as partners for some small class work she still felt like digging her nails into her eyes...she didn't know what she hated the most about the girl...the fact that she was a bitch or she posed as a threat..... It was even harder to think about it but much worse admitting it... She was a cheerleader and the hottest...very easy to go with and flirtatious.... She was always around the players and even Brad...even if Brad never paid attention to her she still questioned how long will it take for Casmy to offer her services to him and for him to take her up on that offer
In the back of her mind she believed and knew Brad only had eyes for her and he had proven that many times.... He wouldn't dare sleep with anyone other than her...not even a person close to her or she knew of

"Are we gonna do this or what??" Casmy spoke first

Terry forced a smile and grabbed her pen

"What do you have in mind"
"Mini skirts and pompoms"

Terry raised her head and glared at her

"I'm talking about the assignment"
" ow! That" Casmy narrowed her eyes as she looked down at the paper while twirling her hair around her finger
"No idea"

Terry sighed

"Can you at least be serious for once in your life instead of thinking about shaking your small booty for a couple of shit heads"

Casmy raised an eyebrow

"Small booty??" She echoed "I bet I can stone your guy with this small booty"
"Oh! I'd like to see you try"

Casmy stopped twirling her hair and stared into Terry's challenging eyes

"You've made your point Jones" Casmy smirked
"Let's get back to work, Gregory "
Terry's voice was menacing just like Casmy's

As soon as they were done without even crosschecking Terry collected so eager to get rid of Casmy... And even though they somehow or possibly hated each other's guts.... They still shared something way back....something they both couldn't ignore no matter what the tension between them

"I can't believe she said that!!" Skylar exclaimed as she slammed her locker shut after Terry narrated her whole episode with Casmy

"She's got nothing on me....I'm not even worried" Terry shrugged " Brad loves me like his life depends on it.....some booty call won't change that"

Skylar involuntarily frowned as she locked her locker and turned to her friend who was leaning on the locker next to hers

"Let's go"

The two walked down the hallway playing dumb to a few wolf whistles and hoots and a lot of name calling....they were already used to all that...in fact it was the attention that made them who they were.... Without it they wouldn't even walk with their heads up high and a nice catwalk....everywhere they went...some people never missed to greet them even when they mixed names.... The school newspaper editor and the fierce class president.... The popularity was definitely worth it... Skylar and Terry both sat down on their usual spot at the cafeteria

"Have you started writing about the memorial??" Skylar asked

Terry threw her a gloomy look and shook her head

"No!.... I let Lenon do the story"

Skylar nodded as she recalled the other night

" it's funny how Cassie said what she said .....non of us thought of anything"

Terry sipped her juice and dropped her shoulders

"What would we have said??..... Sorry??"
"I don't know.... Anything"
"She's gone now.....and even if we said something good about her or not it won't matter" Terry finalized

Skylar didn't bother pushing anymore she just let her mouth rest on her straw.... She raised her head scanning the area when her eyes landed on the scene outside the cafeteria's glass door.... She sat there starring with her cup at hand...Terry followed her gaze and her expression mirrored Skylar's

"Is she that fast!!" Terry exclaimed

Skylar kept quiet....not that she was worried or concerned about her best friend's relationship but she was mad that Brad was even laughing with the bitch who was obviously flirting just by the way she kept touching Brad's muscular arm

"I'm going there right now" Terry spoke after failing to glue her butt to her seat

She stood up and Skylar lazily followed behind...Terry yanked the door open and first thing she did was spring on Brad and crash her lips into his slightly pushing Casmy out of the way

"I haven't seen you around....I missed you" Terry said as she broke away

Brad still looking dazzled by the sudden ambush just frowned and forced a smile.... But he got the message...that was Terry protecting what belonged to her from vultures like Casmy

"Why is your friend so insecure.....we were just talking" Casmy told Skylar who was busy trying to find a spot to look at since she couldn't handle the too much affection on display

"Did she tell you she was??"
"She doesn't have to tell me....she shows it...."
"And why are you telling me this??" Skylar asked obviously irritated
"You're the Bestfriend...Oh! Wait.... Third wheel "

Skylar looked at Brad and Terry who were still entangled in each other's arms

"Sucks doesn't it?!"

Skylar turned to Casmy and gave her a thoughtful nod before splashing coffee on her face

"Sucks,doesn't it??"

Casmy still looked at her ruined outfit and a glaring Skylar
Skylar looked over Casmy's shoulder and saw a familiar figure trying to wipe the coffee stain off her blouse.... Some of the coffee had gotten to her somehow....she bit her lower lip as Cassandra raised her head

" sorry" she said flatly

Cassandra raised an eyebrow as she slowly walked from behind Casmy

"Still won't change the fact I've got coffee stain on my blouse"

She looked at Skylar from head to toe then at Casmy.... She shook her head and walked away leaving four dumbfounded figures

Underneath The SkirtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang