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Sҡʏʟaʀ paraded down  the hallway with her books at hand ready to storm her class....for once she was happy she didn't meet Terry on the way because that would mean seeing and talking to Brad which was the last thing she needed....she had tried so hard to avoid him since he showed up from California and magically bought a house across the street from theirs.... The worst part was when Terry introduced him as her boyfriend and the very worst worst part was that they pretended like they had never met before.......making a fool of Terry and ,Terry more than just likes Brad....she might as well be in love with him.....she felt bad about it but she knew it had to be that way...
She valued her friendship but keeping such a secret from Terry was not so friendly
She raised her head as soon as Cassandra walked in....
She never figured out the girl and no one ever will...she didn't have any friends so it was hard to know even her favorite color....many said it was because she thought most people would want to be friends with her because of her parents' money and the connections they have...but they all knew the last thing Cassandra ever cared about was money although maybe her clothes and jewelry spoke for her but she hardly showed off.....the money spoke for itself....apart from all that she's the only kid which makes her pretty rich and fortunate....she had good grades and a clear record but she still was feared and respected in a mysterious way.... Whenever she spoke you'd definitely want to look at yourself in the mirror over and over again to see if you don't have any bruises or scratches.... Her words were like a slap...they would sting and leave a mark and stay as a reminder...thankfully she never talked much for everyone's benefit....
Cassandra's usual seat was already emptied after her arrival was already newsflash since she appeared the other day
Skylar gave her a side ways glance checking her out from the corner of her eye...Cassandra had already taken her book and pen ready to fire the subject...Mr.Daniels the English Lit. Teacher walked in and greeted the class which didn't even bother responding

"Before we move on to chapter four on Romeo and Juliet I need everyone to submit their reports on chapter two and three by the end of this period, failure to hand me a complete report....meet me later for two hours detention"

Students in class eyed each other nervously.... It was clear most of them didn't finish the assignment
Mr.Daniels scanned the class and pushed his glasses up his nose

"In the exception of Ms. Alvarez who is reported to arrive just yesterday" he added

Nobody said a word...at least not loudly... They knew even if Cassandra didn't bother to do any assignment she would've gotten away with it anyway.....a student volunteered to read the fourth chapter.... Most listened but day dreamed,many were out of class mentally, some just preferred doing the reading on their own....and one like Cassandra was busy writing...Skylar wondered what kept her so busy she almost wanted to crane her neck so she could see,besides the girl was not even a meter from her.... She was scribbling fast and her face formed thin lines on her forehead, she was really concentrating which made Skylar even more curious.... Could it be her diary??... If so she would feel blessed getting her hands on it... It would be like entering heaven cracking code Cassandra because she was a complete unsolved equation
Time flied and the bell rang for next class...Skylar fished her assignment out of her bag and stood up ready to collect.... Cassandra stood up as well with her purse at hand and went forward before anyone else and submitted her report...Mr. Daniels crosschecked it quickly running his eyes over every passage then with a frown looked up at Cassandra...she put on that little smile she carried around and walked away
Skylar was still taken aback.... Cassandra had finished her report before the lesson even ended.... She still wondered why Cassandra didn't act like the spoiled brat she was supposed to be..... But maybe that was the very reason she was respected.... Not because her family had more than just contributed for the school but because she never cared if her father's money ever zig zagged its way into her life or her school
And surprisingly with such a prissy attitude she was difficult to hate....probably because most of the time she said nothing but the truth
Bottom line.... She needs a hobby... She hardly laughs over anything... You can spend the whole day trying to turn yourself into a clown or a freak circus show or tell her the most hilarious jokes and all you'll get is her MonaLisa smile that definitely never left her face in the first place

I tried to use another character to describe the other....what do you think...
That's an insight on Cassandra Alvarez

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