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Terry was definitely not the one to feel insecure but she was too in love with Brad to hold it in
The doubt,the insecurity, the pressure
The 'what if ’s' she hated that made her heat up to vapour state
She managed to find Brad soon as she got to school ,even better and luckily he was with Skylar

"Bradley James please tell me why you were not picking up my calls yesterday" she stormed in to their chit chat

Skylar swallowed hard as soon as she saw Terry

"Hey there wifey!!" Terry grinned then turned back to Brad "i was worried and.....and.....feeling....shits... You know.....what-what happened"

"I misplaced my phone somewhere,i still can't find it...Sorry babe"

Terry bought the small lie

"You could have said something....there are payphones now days you know" she whined

"One night I go MIA and you're all motherly" Brad teased

Terry punched him on his chest as Brad faked a hurt expression

"I was a little bit scared when it just kept ringing you know....i started getting ideas"

Terry placed her finger on her chin pretending to think

"Like having some good time with some random chick I'd probably electrify with my glare"
"You were right?"

Skylar's eyes widened
Minutes ago they had agreed it was not yet time to tell Terry everything and now he was going to spill the beans....she was not the only one in shock, Terry was too

"Was it a....a..a friend??" Terry didn't want to look or sound paranoid so she tried to get into it calmly
"More than that"

Terry frowned... Skylar's mouth dropped, it wasn't supposed to go down like that

"Then what is she??....a relative??"
"No silly" Brad pecked the tip of her nose playfully " someone who I'd love to see electrify herself with her own glare"

Terry let out a breathe and chuckled
Skylar's thin sweat had stopped trickling down her chin
Brad hugged Terry and looked at Skylar over Terry's shoulder
She had the plain guilt expression and a sick look on her face
She turned around on her heel without saying a word ,hoping to find Cassandra before Cassandra finds anyone else and decides to make a display of the cards she was holding

Casmy still didn't get why Michael was being so distant....they had been in on it for three months... They had it going for three good months and now he just decides he doesn't want to do anything with her rather than just being what they should be

"You can't be serious....what do you mean what we  should be "
"Siblings... Halflings....i don't know what I'm supposed to call it but this has to stop
If we don't someone's gonna find out sooner or later.....could be your mom... Or dad....we can't risk that"
"We've risked enough for three months ...come on Mikey.....i know you want it....just like i Do"

Michael took a sharp turn stepping on the gear as he tried to reason with a hard headed Casmy

"Casmy....you're great and all....you need to have a serious relationship right now....a guy who can love you like you're supposed to be loved...not a sex buddy or bed warmer"

"I never said you were all that"
"It doesn't matter!"
"Don't you love me??"
"Of course.... You're like my step lil sis....a sister i never had"
"Michael.... You know that's not what i mean"

Michael didn't want to go there....not with Casmy...not yet...not at all....he pulled over in front of the school's garden

"You'll be late for class"

Casmy knew that was her cue to leave and she definitely knew this was not the time to make Michael understand how bad they needed each other
Perfect timing was at night, in the bedroom.....she will make him understand that she was the only girl who could make him feel like he's got the whole world in his hands

"Fine then..... I'll see you later"

Michael reversed out of the school compound passing a dark blue chevloret that was driving in, behind the wheel was the same girl he had met at the grill the other day....
He smiled to himself as the girl absent mindedly rolled up her window unaware that someone in the  car that reversed past hers was watching her
After Michael confirming that the girl went to school there,he drove away piling up alot in his brain

Skylar did not understand how yesterday happened
Yes she had fun and all...and Brad made her night magical and made her feel all kind of things
And the kiss was definitely sky rocketed but the guilt that was eating her inside would finish her off from the inside
She was keeping something from Terry,her half sister ,her best friend ,someone who knows her better than anyone
Someone who could tell what colour her pantie is just by looking at her ass
She was going crazy
Mostly because of Brad too
What has that guy done to her
Oh....taken her V card
Surprisingly Brad had no problem lying to Terry straight in the face
He just does it so perfectly it makes you wonder how many times he's lied to someone and the person never even smelled it
Skylar was not sure if Brad loved Terry like the way she did him
But his feelings towards Terry were genuine
But somehow ...everything just turns over into a massive pile of trash
As her head swarm with heavy lethal thoughts she bumped into someone and her books fell
She cursed under her breathe

"If you can't look at where you're going...get side mirrors douche bag!!" She snapped

The nerdy skinny boy who was probably a junior quickly went to the floor and picked up her books apologising endlessly before handing her the books and running as if anytime Skylar will bite his head off
Skylar looked at him as he disappeared behind a notice board taking a flight of stairs down to the third floor
She let out a breathe
She did not mean to snap at him like that....she was just hyper paranoid....there was only one thing left
Finding Cassandra and make sure she doesn't open her mouth to anyone
Not even her shadow
Highschool was small and words spread fast like a wildfire
Sometimes she believed even the walls have ears
Especially the ones in the girls' washroom

All Cassandra had done for the past fifteen minutes since she had dropped out of her car and walked into the administration building all the way to her locker was hanging up Allen's phone calls and rolling her eyes as she read his stress texts and bullshit
She had decided to dump him in the blacklist when she started getting her books from her locker
Expecting no company! Her eyes slightly widened at the sight of Skylar ,she was no longer shocked nor surprised after she recalled what she saw the other night...she smiled cunningly...the smile that made her pretty irresistible and worked as a charm

"Hey" Skylar began

Biting down her lower lip nervously
No one other than Cassandra was enjoying this part
She LOVED making people feel uneasy and uncomfortable around her
In most situations, it gave her the upper hand

"What is it"
She said as she closed her locker
"It's about yesterday"
"What about yesterday"

Skylar didn't want to go deep into details and she wanted to make it short and clear so she wont have to feel like her face had gone red or something...or  if there were small beads of sweet forming across her forehead

"I wanted to ask you not to tell anyone about....what you saw yesterday"
"Ah!!" Cassandra faked surprise "you mean what you and your best friend's boyfriend got going on"
"There's nothing going on between us"
"Tell that to the sand dunes in Sahara, not me"
"Whatever it's not like i needed your approval or anything....I just Need your word that you wont say a single word"

Cassandra grabbed her bag and flipped her hair

"Who did you think i was going to tell
The table i sit on,on my own during lunch??"

Skylar bit her lip...coming to think of it...Cassandra had no FRIENDS....not even followers or so....like Casmy

"I just had to make sure"

Cassandra tssk-ed
As she shook her head

"Common sense is common but some people seem to lack it completely"

And with that she turned on her heel and walked away leaving a perplexed Skylar
Who in no doubt
Had stopped breathing as thoughts came plunging into her head like missiles

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