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AS SOON as my car was out of service ,I was out of Brad's car for good,no more catching a ride to school,mean s no more Brad hanging around too close for comfort,i arrived earlier than Terry,operation  ' AVOID TRAD'  was on,I met Cassandra down the hallway and she gave me a thumbs up,she mouthed 'TTYL' as she ducked inside a classroom

Cassandra was cool when she wanted to be cool,how could I forget that,she needed a friend and so did i and I didn't mind at all

I too needed a friend that i didn't lie to or keep anything from,and that was Cassandra at the moment

I got to class before the bell rang so i wouldn't have to sit next to Terry, luckily TERRY had to sit with Brad at the back and I didn't mind if they watched the back of my head,to act normal ,I turned around and blew Terry a kiss,she was happy and she was giggling whenever Brad whispered in her ears...well hello there


THE NEWS almost gave me a heart attack, "Michael and Cassandra"??  officially an item,where was I looking at and how did I miss the signs

this was obviously going wrong more than i expected,Cassandra Alvarez doesn't know what lengths i can go to get her off the picture


MY HOPES got crushed last night,we watched movies and made out on the couch but nothing intense happened other than that...no...sex..I wondered what was wrong with him,or was it me

I was craving for him and he wasn't the least bit drooling on me,or gave any hint that he wanted me

I have to get him no matter what,well unless Brad is Gay

I didn't just think about that..did I ??


THINGS went well with me and Michael last night,he apologized over and over for not doing this and that,for not being straight with me,he said 'I LOVE YOU' the three words,we had no time to waste,we set the love  wheel in motion,and here I was having a boyfriend

in a relationship and a good start at friendships

cheers to that

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