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Hello readers 😊
I have had to take down the previous chapter 24 because it wasn't exactly the original plan or idea so I had to take it down and rewrite it again
I want you to know that nothing has changed so far and it won't interfere with any details or history concerning the story or the characters

Only that it's better
Happy reading

Xoxo. L. Billy

Since I was not with Terry, I decided I would talk to Cassie, a word or two, she was all alone at her table, not that she cared anyway

"Hey!" I said as i plopped myself  opposite her
She flashed me a smile and gave me a small wave

"How's it going??" I asked
"Well... I did what you told me to do...and we are off to a good start" she blushed

I never thought I would ever see a day when Cassandra Alvarez would be all red in the face

"What kind of a good start??" I pushed
"We are dating-ish"

I found myself clapping and cheering for her, well it was something nice for her considering what she's been going through, I picture it hasn't been easy

"I'm really happy for you" I said, sincerely, for the first time
"Thanks... what about you??"

She didn't even need to ask to know what's going on, Cassandra has always been watching things unfold from afar

"Well, I have been dodging them just fine and they don't suspect anything, I lied I got into some concentration club and blah blah that I made up, which according to my lie it is supposed to be after class so literally I wouldn't have to hang out"

"Concentration club huh!"
"I know it's lame... but it worked didn't it"

Cassandra was cut short by the invasion of a red haired, green- eyed girl


It's the new girl

"Hi" she said with a radiant harmless smile
"Hi" I responded first
"Sorry, I lost my map and I can't find my way to the school library... would you mind??"

Oh yeah
Every newbie always gets lost when it comes to locating the school library

"Yeah sure, it is south from the school's fountain"
"Oh, thanks... I owe you" she said and walked away

She was crazily pretty up close

"She's lucky she ran into us" I said after she left
"Is she??" Cassandra asked

Considering our history of being a bit of bullies back then, not all newbies made it past us unnoticed, and it wasn't something I was proud of, neither of us are, but the circumstances were simple, bully or be bullied, and God knows I wouldn't in anyway be someone's underdog

"Well yeah, we are kind enough to show her where the library is... not the fish pond, others wouldn't have been so kind"
"It is the vice versa sky"
"Well I have changed, at least I know I have"
"Yeah we all did, after Desiree-" Cassandra stopped

Yeah Desiree's death had changed us all, in one way or the other but we had never had the chance to talk about that night, it was one secret that bound us together, that dreadful night

"Yeah, I've got to go now...see you later alright?!"

I got up and walked away... how nice it was to escape where the conversation was going

That red hair and those round green eyes reminded me of a face I had seen before... I get this deja by feeling every time I see that head pop in to class, or in the hallway, in the school cafeteria

She eerily resembles someone I am familiar with

Skylar and Cassandra?? I am shocked more than that newbie and CASMY pairing up, it wasn't like Casmy wouldn't react, she has the red head in her clique now, I wish the red head knew what she was getting herself into, but Skylar and Cassandra?? I feel insulted, she hardly has ten minutes for me, saying she's got class president responsibility on her bucket list and she's joined this concentration club after class, some awareness thingy, like Skylar Edwards ever needs awareness, but seeing her for some reason laughing with Cassandra made me feel abandoned and friendless, she would sit with Cassie on one table for more than twenty minutes and laugh with her but she sends me notes then waves at me and a stays a continent away from me in class and hardly sits with me in the cafeteria


If not an enemy, make her. Friend, I had to choose carefully , take her in, learn what she is capable of then decide if she's either An enemy or a friend, or probably a threat to my throne, so far she's proved harmless... she's not a competition yet, except for her pretty face of course...

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