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Your POV

We were all stood in the center of the stadium where the sports festival is being held. People were cheering as we came out and were introduced by Present Mic.

"CLASS 1-A OF THE HERO COURSE! WITH OF COURSE THE EXCEPTION OF ONE STUDENT!" Present Mic screamed into the speakers and I winced.

"Do you mind not being so loud?! I kinda need to hear for the rest of my life!" I screamed up to him. "You've got a god damn microphone, no need for your quirk on top of that!" I continued.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it." He continued to list the classes as we waited.

"As The top student in class 1-A, Y/N Midoriya will make a speech." Midnight said as she gestured for me to come up to the stage. I looked over the crowd before taking a deep breath to speak.

"I want to say that everyone here has different abilities and that if you use them to your advantage then you can go far. If you use your quick wit and use what you've learned from past experiences, you'll make it far. If you can't run, jog, if you can't jog, walk. If you can't walk, crawl but no matter what, keep going and don't give up. go beyond, plus ultra!" I said and stepped off the platform as everyone gave me a round of applause.

"And now for the first task of the sports festival. Obstacle race!" Midnight yelled as the words appeared on the screen.

We all got ready at the start of the race and I thought of a plan. I was at the front so I decided to create some roller lades since I could maneuver easily on them and go fast. Shoto is most likely going to freeze the floor so I'll put cold activated, retractable blades on the bottom so if I do come across any ice. I quickly put them on and as soon as we were allowed to go, I set off in front of everyone.

Shoto saw this and froze the floor in order to catch up to me. I looked over my shoulder, feeling the cold. Ice went under me as Shoto passed me and my roller blades turned to ice skates. I'm faster on ice so he made a mistake. I dodged a few things people were throwing as I passed Shoto and I had roller blades again. I saw a few robots ahead and I thought of using them to pull myself forwards. I made tape like Sero's and wrapped it around the legs of one in the middle. I pulled myself forwards and dodged all of the arms and quickly over came that obstacle.

"And in first place we have Shoto Todoroki! Wait, no! Way ahead of him, approaching the second hurdle is Y/N Midoriya! How did she get past the robots so fast? She got in through recommendations so she's never fought them before. She's not even in the hero course!" Present Mic commentated as I saw a large ravine coming up. I turned side ways and jumped as I pretended I was on a skateboard and slid across the ropes quickly.

"And she's cleared the final obstacle! Jesus Christ! This girl is fast and efficient! What's this? She's coming up to the final obstacle! She'll need to be careful on this minefield!" I quickly decided to put water over the top and because I've learned to change the temperature, I froze it and skated across before letting the water evaporate as I reached the finish line.

"In first place we have Y/N Midoriya!" I sat on the floor cross legged as I waited patiently for the others to finish. Looks like I underestimated how fast I was since it took a good few minutes for Izuku to come out, followed by Katsuki and Shoto.

So the placings of the top 42 were:

1. Me

2. Izuku

3. Shoto

4. Katsuki

5. Shiozaki

6. Juzo

7. Iida

8. Tokoyami

9. Sero

10. Kiri

The quirkless' quirky Twin (Bakugo x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now