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"Jimin sweetie, why don't you go play with the other children? I'm sure you can make a friend with one of those boys over there."

Jimin was about 5 years old and had just moved to Seoul with his parents from Busan. His mother pointed to a crowded playground with swarms of kids everywhere.

Jimin was a very Social boy, always soft and kind to everyone he meets. But this time, he doesn't want to meet the large crowd of kids playing on the tempting swing set or monkey bars.

In fact, it was the last thing he wanted to do. What he did want to do, was stay by his moms side and never leave. Unfortunately his parents were busy trying to know the other adults, so Jimin slipped away from his mom's grip and instead made his way toward a shaded tree.

He sat there for what felt like hours but was only ten minutes. Bored, he began to hum a small tune his parents would always sing him. He was lost in thought when a voice from the other side of tree spoke up.

"You have a nice voice..." it was small, Jimin almost didn't hear it. His childlike mind didn't even process that another person was on the other side of the tree.

"God! Is that you?" He asked, astonished. Th house giggled, responding with "No!"

"If you're not god then... are you a monster!?" Jimin asked, grabbing a thin twig in order to try and protect himself. "No I'm not a monster! I'm a Jungkook!"

At that, a short boy with dark brown hair and shining black eyes jumped from behind the tree, landing in front of the scared boy. "AH A KOOKIEMONSTER!"

Then he tackles the small boy, digging his fluffy black locks into the other's tiny chest. Jimin is momentarily distracted by the loud giggling coming from below him.

"You're weird!" Jungkook whispers to him, as if it were a secret. Jimin blushes slightly, not even thinking before saying. "Yeah? Well your small! Shortie!" He squealed.

The brunette ten shove Jimin off of him with a huff. "So! I bet when we're bigger I'm gonna be taller! That's what my momma says! Then you'll be the shortie!" The two stuck their tongues out at each other, making weird faces and even weirder noises. Finally they broke it laughing and cackling.

"I'm Park Jimin! You can call me Jiminie though." He told the shorter boy. "I'm turning five this year."

"Oh! Me too!"

"Jimin! Come here!"


The two turned to the sound of their moms calling for them, without a word they ran to the two woman.

"Oh! You two have already met! That's wonderful, Jimin, this is Jungkook's mother." She gestured to the new woman next to her, Jimin bowed respectfully to her as Jungkook did to his mom.

Ever since that day, the two were inseparable. The moment they found out they were neighbors, nothing would stop them. As they grew older, they only grew closer. Always at each other's houses, or sneaking out the window to have Secret sleep overs.

They were put into the same classes throughout elementary school, so they spent every second of their lives together. They could be found bickering in on the playground, laughing on the side walk, or even cuddling at on each other bed.

Of course no one was surprised when the two suddenly developed feelings for each other. It had gotten to the point where even the teachers and parents thought they should be in a relationship when they were older. Remarks of "cute" and "please, email me when they get together."

It was their last year of elementary school and, as Jungkook had promised when he was a lot younger, he had grown to be nearly a head taller than Jimin. To the back haired boy's dismay. It was also around that time that Jungkook had asked Jimin to be his boyfriend. In front of the whole school.

It had been at Jungkook's basketball game, the whole team was in on it. Even the visiting team allowed Jungkook to score a winning slam dunk. Of course Jimin had cheered the loudest.

He watched as his best friend got down from the hoop, grabbing a megaphone and stared right at him.

Behind the little fifth grader was his team, unraveling a large banner that read "Park Jimin". The short ale was confused at first, but then Kookie began to speak.

"Park Jimin... I've been wanting to ask this forever. And I thought it would be the best time now than never. Will you be my boyfriend?"

The number of cheers and squeals rivaled that of when the actual game was going on. Jimin thought he was about to faint. Two of the basket ball players came up to him, escorting him down the bleachers.

It was exactly how he imagined being asked out to prom. (Jimin was practically born gay in this so, just letting you know). Jungkook was the only one he told though, but to think he would do it just to ask him out.

He was crying by the time he was standing next to Jungkook. The taller, in all his sweat and beauty whispered in his ears. "Please?"

Tears blurred his vision as he nearly broke his neck from nodding so fast. Jungkook smiled wider than Jimin's ever seen him. Turning, Jungkook cried into the megaphone. "He said yes!"

(I know they young af still, but this is romantic and extreme as hell. People who even look at these two once immediately ship it. Their parents have even started treating each other as in laws and planned the wedding)

At that moment, Jimin was at his happiest. Hugging his smelly, sweaty boyfriend as they cried in each other's arms in front of the whole school. He was just so happy.

That moment was followed by a million more happy moments with Jungkook, going on dates, hanging out. It was everything they used to do, but more official. And it only made them fall even harder for each other.

Their love lasted till middle school, everyone considered them the cutest couple which earned them a lot of popularity. Jimin and Jungkook were truly living the life.

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