Chapter 20: American Music Awards

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I was just finishing up with my makeup when Michael walked in the bathroom, He stopped short his mouth dropping his eyes expanding by the second."What?"I asked/

"You look....amazing!" He awed.

I smiled from cheek to cheek."You really think so?"I asked sping award in my strapless black dress that showed of my small slender body perfectly.

He walked up to me and kisssed me on my lips."I told you I was taking the sexiest woman that has ever walked the earth."

I started to blush.

"Are you ready?" He asked looking at me up and down then bitting his lips.

"Don't I look ready?" I asked.

He just shook his head and laughed."Comne on, the car is waiting down stairs for us." He said. i grabbed my black clutch. And walked out of my apartment building with Michael. We were on our way to the American Music Awards (AMA) on my twenty sixth birthday. I didn't feel any different from when I was Twenty five. I didn't feel any older. I didn't feel any younger. I was still just Aaliyah Dana Haughton. Nothing new. Michael and I was gonna spend the whole night together. Do what? I do not know? I just know that going to the AMA is part of it. But I could tell he was planning something.

"so what do you have plan after this?"I asked. we were half way to the Award show. and we had just finished laughing at an old joke.

He let out a long sigh."That other Pepsi commercial. And I don't want to do it.I have a bad feeling about it"

"Then why are you doing it then?"I asked confusingly."I thought you said you wanted to start working on those short films."

"I do, but their being sidetracked for now. I'm going to start working on them next month."

"But still, why are you doing the commercial if you don't want to do it?"I asked again."I mean, you don't even like pepsi."

"Well my brothers sort of talked me into it."

I rolled my eyes."Michael why do you let them talk you into doing things you don't want to do? I mean seriously, the only reason why they want to do is because your career is shooting up and they're just sitting down there not going any where." 

"Look, Liyah, I know that, but if they wanted me to do it then I'll do it, This is gonna be the last one too."

"But you say you got a bad feeling about, Why don't you just follow your first instinct and not do then. Before something bad happens."Michael was known to get stong instincts about something bad happening and then it usuasly happens.

"Even if I wanted to, Liyah. I couldn't. it's already been set up." He said.

I was going to say something else. But my words got lost in alll of the sounds of the screaming fans coming from outside our window. I knew we had to be there. We waited for the car to sully stop and then the driver got out to open the door for us. Michael was the first to get out then he held out his hand for me to grabbe it. When I was fully out of the car. I was almost blinded by all the lights of flashing cameras. Fans was screaming our names.

We made our way to the buliding trying to avoid getting mobbed or something like that. I just simply waved to them and blew kisses as I walked along side of Michael. Of course we had socializing to do before we took our front row seats. So the show had pretty much already started when we finally sat down. Lionel was the hostest of the show, and I tell you he was hilarious. He opened the show singing his song All NIght Long. He finished the song he started naming all the stars in the audience. When he looked at us all he did was smile and shook his head."Man, Michael Jackson and Aaliyah. Man."he shook his head."I just.... I never thought you to would end up together, when you guys was little and yet here y'all are/ sitting side by side looking like y'all meant to be together or something." He said then he turned and looked at me."Aaliyah, girl I just love your knew album I just love how your like.' I"m sending Him a four page letter!' he sarted doing danvce moves from the video. I just laughed and shook my head/"Wait a minute!!! Isn't today your birthday?"

"Oh God."I sad, but still kept a smile on my face.

"It is! what are like sixteen seventeen?"

I shook my head then glanced over at Michael he was laughing.

"No your not, you can't be. You know what I'm not gonna worry about because You Aaliyah, Are always gonna look young."He said. Then He started talked to Michael and I just laughed to 'til my stomach hurt.

The only thing I had to do that night was give an award for best male dance video.

When I walked out the whole crowd screamed my name. Keisha was my partner and she gave a little speech before I gave out the anominies and of course Michael was apart of it."And the winner is.."Keisha said as she opened the envolope. Then she handed it to me.

I looked at the envolope and smiled."Thriller Michael Jackson!!!!"

Michael walked up the stage, and showed some love to his fans. Then walked over the podium. He gave Keisha a hug and told her thankyou and then walked to me and smiled. Holding his hands out. I walked into them and embraced him he gave a kiss on the cheek and then went to microphone to Start his speech."First of all," he said then turned to me."Liyah, come here."He said. I smiled and walked over to him. He put his arm around my waist." I would like to think Aaliyah, for being there for me no matter what, I love this woman with all my heart!" He said staring at me with a little twinkle in his eye.I smiled back at him."I love you to." I said.w 

He finished of the speech and we walked off the stage together

The rest of the show was amazing Michael was winning arwards left and right and he also won the Amerit award which he dedicated to me and made everyone in there sing happy birthday to me. I was blushing so hard. I won six of the eight awards that I was anminated for and Michael won eight. Everytime he went up there it was just breath taking for every one. His red and Gold Jacket made him look so sexy his sunglsses gave him mystery. Which even made his sexier. I was smiling so hard. 

After the award show people was asking us if we were ever gonna get married, we said we wasn't sure. It was hard to tell because of our career. Just before we was about to get in the car Michael told me that I should prepare to have the best night ever. I wonder what that meant exactly...

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