10♟ Tell me why♟

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It was good. It was what I needed. The time with the guys was perfect yet my throbbing headaches at the morning made me regret to have drunk so much." I never touch alcohol ever again." I groan painfully getting up from the bed after I hit the alarm clock down. Damn it how often have I said something like this yet ended up drinking again? Always.

But the pains now are worth because the time with my friends was spent good although Yoongi couldn't make it and Hoseok haven't showed up at all. Neither he had texted me like he said he would. I guess he was successful with the girl.

The possibility that It could be Y/N has fallen away. There was no way she was it. First, she's sick. Second, it was far away and she never leaves the house after 6 PM except I drag her somewhere with.

It was foolish to think i was her. I shake my head to the thought what was a really bad discussion to do so since the headaches only worsen.

I take some clothes out off the wardrobe and a towel before going for a hot shower. I need it more than anything else. Passing through the hallways I greet Ethan with a slight head nood. He like alwas was already standing by Y/N"s door as if he's her bodyguard.

Does he sleeps by her door too? I question myself and enter the bathroom. Undress than myself and stept into the shower before turning the water on.

The cold hits my body causing me to wake up completely before the hot water makes me sleepy again and relaxe every single muscle on my body. With the head leaning against the wall, I kept on standing there like this. So warm. It feels nice.

Sigh." How was she doing yesterday?" I close my eyes. My mind starts to wander through the memory of the dream I had and makes me open my eyes in a fast move. Fuck I'm going but here for sure. Shaking my head a little, I than put my face under the stream of water.

Now I have two problems. My throbbing headaches and Y/N.

" Where is Miss Y/N?" I ask a maid after I couldn't find Ethan. Its been more than a hour that I spent in the library waiting for her at the library but she didn't appeared. When I was about to ask Ethan who like always had his place by her door, I couldn't find him there. Looking through the whole place there was no sign of him." Miss Hwan and Mr. Briks went to a appointment that the young miss have. They will be soon back." The maid informed me and I nood before thanking her and leaving upstairs to my room.

When I enter the room, I pick my phone from the nightstand before dropping my body onto the matress." Jungkook?" I mumble to myself as I see the amount on missing calls and mostly from our younger friend. So I dial the number and wait for him to pick up."Hyung." Suddenky sounds yha cracked voice in my ears causing me to worry." What happend are you okay?" I ask straight away and sit up being ready to get my keys and go to him.

"Hyung, Hoseok..." Jungkook cries into the speaker and pause since he couldn't say a word anymore. His loud cry fills my ears what makes my heart hammering in my chest wild. When he mentions Hoseoks name I can't help myself but thing that something bad has happened." Jungkook, calm down and tell me what happened." I say shifting more to the edge of the bed.

"Hoseok. He was found dead today in the morning." The whole world stopped for me. I couldn't belive in my ears, into his words. It couldn't be. No, it have to be a joke." Jungkook that's not funny." My voice above a whisper. When my mind wasn't taking it, my heart did it. The broker pieces of it, I could hear them, i felt them.

"I'm not. Why should I joke about something horrible. It was in the news this morning and also his mum has called Namjoon. He's dead hyung, our Hoseok is dead." Jungkook cried how louder into the speaker. He was screaming in pain.

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