2♟Stick to the rules♟

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" Mr. Kim." I hear a voice from the outside my room after a knock has sound through the silence in which I sit. I recognize the voice immediately and go to open the door where Mr. Briks was standing." The Dinner is at 6 PM. What would you like to have?" He asks firmly having his hands infront if his body, hands cover in white gloves.

"Ah, what ever the Miss wants to eat I will to." I add calmly cracking the hip aside while holding onto the door. Honestly I was dissapointed. When I thought that we will start the first lesson today, then I was very wrong. Since Y/N went to her room she didn't come out off there for the last two hours.

And since i have to stick to the rules, I can't go after her and bring her out there. Stick to the rules, she said. I'm doing but that's not a help at all." The young Miss will have her Dinner later since she's resting right now. The ride here was tiring." Explains Ethan.

"Oh, okay. Then... what about you Ethan- I mean Mr. Briks, do you will join me by the dinner?" I smile with hope at the man who seems to be a stone. Bot a single muscle has moved that could perhaps creat at least a small smile." I don't think I'll be able to. I have to prepare Y/N room later the evening." He informs what makes me sigh deeply. Seems like I have to have the Dinner by myself.

"Oh okay." This time I was able to give only a weak smile to the elder Man ahead of me since I really felt lonely. I don't like it to eat all alone. It's much better with a company.

"I will let you know when the dinner is ready." Again the Butler speaks before a bow and than makes his way downstairs. Once again I was left alone in my room. The silence killed me slowly. Every minute that has passed by felt like a entire. Not even the best book of what I was so excited for could help me to go through the bored room.

The loud noise of the clock echoed through the room making me to count the secounds while looking at the page of the book in my hands. I couldn't concentrate at all. But slowly with the time, I start to doze off until I fall asleep.

"Mr. Kim." Somehwere far away I hear a Manly voice that's sounds alike to the butlers." Mr. Kim." The words repeat catching me back out off my slumber letting me realize I've fallen asleep. The book was somewhere at the end of the bed as I sit up and stretch my arms in the air with half open eyes." I'm up." The groggy voice escapes my lips causing me to clear my throat.

"The dinner, Sir. It's ready." The butler speaks again calm still being in the other side of the door. When I take a look around I realize that it was already evening when the dimmer light developed the room that I can call now mine.

The Fog started to gather slowly darken so the light even more." I'm coming." I say dragging my heart feets out the bed and walk then to the door. A sleepy snake forms on my lips as I watch the Butler and steps out off the room. The door closed after me and so we make our way downstairs." Is Miss Hwan still taking a rest?" I ask when I take a look over my shoulder actually to look at the butler who was following me for no reason, but then I noticed the closed door.

" She is. The young Miss said she awaits you tomorrow at 10 am in the library to start the study." He informs me with his deep voice. I only humm and nood my head in response to this. When she says tomorrow than tomorrow. I think to myself walking down the stairs.

The butler like a tail still behind me." Ugh." I stop in the middle of the stairs that cracked to every step we have done and turn to look at the butler while rubbing my neck awkwardly." You don't have to walk me to the Kitchen, I do know where it is." Kidnly I inform him. This man have probably better things to do as to walk me to the kitchen where the dinner was waiting of me. The smell was already developing the air.

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