"I'm going with you." I stubbornly said, but Theo gently stopped me and pushed me back, his hands on my shoulders as he looks down at me. "Theo—"

"He needs you." He nodded towards Mason. I looked at the latter and my features soften, seeing he's still a bit shaken up. "You gotta be here for him. You gotta be here for Jade."

My head snaps back to Theo and I stay silent for a couple of seconds, before nodding. Theo nods back before he and Scott runs away.

I turned to Mason. "Let's get you cleaned up, bud."

There's another dead Chimera found here at school, Corey is dead, Jade is scared that the Dread Doctors could go after her next, and Liam and Hayden are missing. Again.

"I'll go there after I tell Stiles." I promised Jade. She's going back to her house with Mason, and she gave me her consent to tell Stiles and everyone except for Liam, about her being a Chimera.

Jade nods. "Thank you. Be careful."

Mason drives off and I go back inside the school, rushing to find Stiles or anybody. The bell had just rung and everyone is outside the hallways. I make my way through the crowd, then bumping into Malia.

"Malia?" Her chemo signals are off. She's not alright.

And that got confirmed when Malia suddenly hugged me, surprising me.

"Okay, this is nice."

"I can't take it anymore." Malia mumbles onto my shoulder, me caressing her back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her softly. She didn't respond, and her silence this time means yes to me. "Okay, let's talk. But not here."

Malia and I went inside the girls' locker room, thankfully there's only like three girls inside here. Malia sat down on the bench, breathing heavily as I sit down next to her.

"What is it?" I asked after hearing the three girls leaving the locker room.

"All these Chimeras, these dead bodies..." Malia started, me listening intently. "I can't handle them anymore, Twinkle. I'm not like you guys. I'm not like Scott. I can't take seeing any more dead bodies and not being able to do anything about it."

"Mal..." I trailed off, placing my hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry you have to go through all this. It isn't easy for me either, it isn't easy for everyone else. It's hard, I know, but this will all be over soon."

She looked at me, staring into my eyes. "How soon, Star? How many more bodies will we find until this is all over?"

That made me shut up because I don't know the answer to that. All of us don't.

Malia looks away. "This suck. All of this."

I nodded. "I know. But you know us, we always figure this out."

She nods softly, before placing her head on my shoulder and I smiled a little.

I smiled amusingly at Mason as he keeps making Jade show him her other eyes. He's amazed so much by it.

Before I left school earlier, I talked to Stiles about Jade. He knows, and he's trying to find Scott to go and tell him about Jade. Before I left, I tried to find Liam, but I can't find him. I tried calling him but as usual, he doesn't pick up. I don't know where the hell he is again, I'm worried but I'm tired of all this avoiding crap. Why can't he just man up and tell me what's wrong?

It suddenly started raining outside pretty hard. I texted Stiles to pick me up later, then he texted back that he will after he meets Scott at the animal clinic.

My stomach grumbles, taking Jade and Mason's attention. They both laughed at me and I sheepishly smiled at them. Jade smiles back. "There's some spaghetti in the fridge downstairs."

"Nah, I'm good." Right after that, my stomach grumbles again and Jade shoots me an amused look. "Yeah, okay."

I got out of the room and went downstairs, and into the kitchen. I was about to open the fridge, when my phone suddenly started vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out and saw Theo calling me. I pressed answer. "Hello?"

"I'm with Liam." He stated, I was quick to ask if the latter's alright but Theo was quicker to speak up again. "We're at the animal clinic. Scott's outside, talking to your brother while Liam's at the back... with Hayden."

So that's why he was missing all day? He's with Hayden? I know that they're probably just trying to protect her from the Dread Doctors, that maybe Liam just wants to help her, but I really can't stop feeling jealous.

"You wanted to know if something else happened that night, right?"

I grit my teeth as my heart starts beating fast. "Tell me. Tell me the truth."

I just want to understand why Liam's been like this to me.

"Liam and Hayden... they kissed."

I almost dropped my phone. "Y-You're lying."

"Have I ever lied to you, Star?" I don't know what to say. "I'm telling the truth. I'm sorry, but it's true."

Theo could be lying. He is lying. But the tone of his voice, the way Liam's been acting lately, the way Hayden looks at Liam... it all confirms that what he's saying is true.

I felt my phone vibrate before Theo speaks again. "Look at what I sent you."

Removing my phone from my ear, I opened the message that he sent me and everything in me feels like it just shattered from what I saw. I can't even hold the device in my hand properly, I can't even see properly from the tears forming in my eyes and flowing down my cheeks nonstop.

It's a picture of Hayden and Liam. Kissing.

"I'm sorry, but Liam cheated on you with Hayden."

I ended the call immediately and dashed out of the house, not bothering to tell Jade or anybody. I welcomed the rained, not caring if it gets me and my entire clothes wet.

All I can feel is pain and betrayal as I walk under the rain, my tears mixing up with the droplets of water. Those words kept repeating in my head over and over.

"Liam cheated on you with Hayden."


i feel so bad for doing this to star :(
but the show must go on!

i really wanna go the EXplOration here in Manila even if i get the farthest seat, i just wanna see the boys perform and be there to support them 🥺 pls pray for me 😅

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