He held it out in his palm towards Bear.

"What's this?" She asked, as she plucked the jewel from her friends grasp.

"It's my birthday present," Monty smiled,"Happy Birthday Harv,'"

Bears eyes grew even more teary, but this time, not from the pain. Her eyes welled up because of the memories that those four words contained.

"What's this?" Fourteen year old Bear asked, as she eyes the beautiful charm that twirled around in the air.

"It's my birthday present," her sister, Ember, said,"I made it myself. They call it a dream catcher, it works as a net- protecting you from the nightmares,"

"It'll get rid of nightmares?" Bear asked, her eyes widening in wonder,"can we go show mum and dad!"

"Of course pumpkin! Race you there!" Ember laughed.

The hallway echoed with the young girls laughter, as Bear zoomed through the hallway past Ember. Her hair whipped side to side, as she smacked her hand against the door panel, snickering as she made it home before Ember.

The door closed behind her, as she bounded towards the living room.

"Mum, Da-"

A scream of absolute terror ripped through the air, as Bear ran towards her parents, placing her hand on their necks, as blood secreted from their cold skin. Their eyes were plastered over with a ghostly pale white colour, as all life drained from their body.

Their heartbeat not there.

"Harvey, Harvey!" Monty shook the girls shoulders, as her body slammed against the wall in horror.

She was stuck in a memory from four years ago, one that started off so happily. Bear could almost remember it as if it were yesterday, she remembers her floral dress getting dyed red by the blood of her parents.

Though, it was so long ago, that she's not even sure if it's the real one.

Did she kill her parents?

"I'm sorry, it's just been a while since I've been given one," Bear brushed off, as she sent Monty a sincere smile,"Don't worry about it, you know us girls, we get emotional."

Monty turned back to keeping an eye on Jasper, but, his face showed he didn't believe Bear. Neither did Kage, as he watched the girl from his corner next to the small, bulging light.

silence overswept everyone, as the night soon turned to the earliest hours of the morning, which then turned to the late hours of the morning. Though they weren't outside, Bear could feel the searing warmth of the sun through the metal.

At least she believed she did.

"The grounders cauterised the wound. Saved their lives..." Clarke mumbled, as she looked over each of Jaspers wounds.

"Saved their life so they could string him up for live bait," Finn called out, as he closed the hatch behind him.

"Such the optimist," Bear hummed, rolling her eyes from where she laid on her mat.

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