Without saying anything I got comfortable and Derik rested on arm on my waist and his head on top of mine. Quickly changing my voice box so I couldn't purr I was thankful it wasn't out of the ordinary for masters to have relationships with their pets.

As long as there is no respect from the master to the pet inner relations were perfectly normal.

Afterall, we're owned, they can do whatever they want with us and forcing affections on us was usually considered fortunate since they were less likely to hurt you.

"So pets do have personalities," the Regional said out loud to himself.

I let out a loud exhale in a 'duh' manor and the Regional laughed hysterically.

"You've got a sarcastic one there huh Derik?" Someone commented. They think that's sarcasm I can show them sarcasm.

Derik chuckled and fixed my now huge collar since it was meant for a dog. People rattled on about this or that while me and Derik just stared at each other. God he's so hot.

It was hard to keep the slight smile off my face and eventually I just gave up. It felt like we were the only people in the room, I'm not entirely sure why being around Derik makes me so happy but I don't want to let go of that feeling.

And he didn't seem to mind in the least that I was staring.

Sitting there was boring and I may or may not have fell asleep a few times. I really hope I don't snore or talk in my sleep, a room full of the most powerful people in the room and I could have been snoring and talking in my sleep.

My parents would have been so disappointed that I fell asleep during the national Regional meeting but it wasn't like I'm actually part of it.

There isn't ever any real discussion happening.

The last time I woke up I wasn't even in the dinning room anymore, we were standing in front of the entrance and Derik was carrying me. Adam and his pet were standing by us.

"Welcome back," Derik smiled at me and I just kinda blinked at him for a second.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." I rested my head on his shoulder.

Adam coughed loudly to get our attention. "I didn't know hybrids could do that,"

"It's kind of an age-old tradition to not let anyone know much about us, I didn't even tell Derik because I wasn't sure I could trust him. It's like an emergency only thing, thankfully hybrids basically are born knowing what they can and can't do otherwise even I wouldn't know."

"I'll talk to you guys later," Adam waved and walked towards a red mustang with his pet trailing behind him. Damn, I really need to learn to ask people for their names.

"You really need to gain some weight," Derik's voice reminded me he was carrying me and disappointingly he had put on a shirt.

"I'll work on it, you can put me down. I'm probably heavy,"

"One, you have ears you should start using them. Two, I'm a vampire, we're kinda known for super strength." I chuckled a little and changed my voice box back to normal.

"God, changing my voice is so uncomfortable." I rubbed my neck as I spoke.

"You changed your voice?" Derik started walking towards the car.

"Only a little so I couldn't purr."

Derik set me down in my seat and walked over to his side. As soon as none of the other cars were in sight I let out a sigh of relief releasing the changes to my appearance and smell.

Unruly Petحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن