Chapter 8: Truths revealed. (Question for a wingman)

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It's been a tiring few weeks since the start of the school year and the Vytal Festival is close. For some reason Weiss invited you and Neo along with her team to town.

POV Thorn

Thorn: "So... Why are we here again?"

Weiss: "What? You don't like hanging out with us in town?"

All four of the girls look disappointed when she said that, while Blake was giving me the "Fix it" look.

Thorn: "I never said that!" *They start to smile again* "I'm just asking why we are at the docks..."

Ruby: "actually... Why are we here?"

Neo: ... You're trying to spy on the competition, aren't you?

Weiss: "N-no I'm not! Uhh..." *Idea pops in her head* "... I just wanted Thorn to keep me company while I look around the docks! You four are just extras"

After saying that, Weiss notices that Ruby, Yang, and Neo looked pissed off at her, while Blake looked confused.

Ruby: *something catches her attention* "Huh?... What happened there?..."

The six of us then head for where Ruby pointed at, it being the Dust till Dawn store that has police tape on it.

Thorn: "Wait, isn't this where we ran into that cane guy?"

Ruby: "Yeah, it's also where you had me chase the guy while you fought your ex sisters!" *Makes a mad face*

Yang: (angered) "think they still work at Junior's?"

Blake: "doubt it. If they still worked around here, they would have attacked you earlier."

Thorn: "Oh, they're still there all right..."

The four girls stopped walking and looked at you, then you stopped to stare at them as well.

Thorn: "... What?..."

Yang: *eyes turning red* "... How do you know?..."

Thorn: "... Lucky guess?..."

Neo: he goes to Junior's with me for a drink when you all are asleep.



Neo: better they know now then when you are passed out drunk.

Thorn: "Still! Did you have to mention the drinking part?!"

After saying that you feel murderous intent coming from team RWBY directed at you. Mainly from Ruby, Weiss and Yang

Thorn: "hehehe... I can explain?"

RWY: (unison) *giving you an evil angry smile* "Go ahead, Thorn. EXPLAIN it to us"

Thorn: "... I'm dead either way, aren't I?..."

RWY: (unison) "Ohh yeah." *Takes out their weapons*

Thorn: "..."

Then, out of nowhere, Shadow appears and creates a portal of darkness behind him ((A/n): think the portals of darkness from the Kingdom Hearts games) and you both jump through before Yang or Ruby could hit you.

Once you're through, you look around, noticing you are at the statue at Beacon.

Thorn: "hehehe... Thanks for the save, but they are going to be pissed... Damnit, why did Neo have to tell them about our late night dates..."

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