Prologue: Freedom and meeting a new family

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POV (Y/n)

Your age: 7

Twins age: 11

A plate falls on the floor and breaks




You grab your face on the spot your "mother" hit you on before your "older sisters" run in with more broken plates and cups

Miltia: *shows "mother" the broken cups and plates* "that wasn't the only ones he broke"

(Y/n): "w-w-wait, I-i-i didn't b-b-break them..."

After you said that, you instantly regretted it, as then your other "sister" Melanie came up to you and kicked you in the stomach.

Melanie: "Who said you could talk back!" *Kicks you again, then turns around and walks away*

Miltia does the same while your "mother" only looks at you trying to get up

"Mother": "Oh, and your father said he wants you to see him"

(Y/n): "..."

You get up and make your way to "father's" den. Every time he calls you there, something "bad" happens.

Time skip cause no thanks on describing the abuse.

After your "lecture" from your father, you (painfully) made your way to your room. Once inside, your only friend, Shadow, comes out from your shadow and helps you close the cuts you got from your "father" and on your wrists. Once you've recovered a bit, you decide that tonight would be the night you finally escape the hell your in. With Shadow's help, you were able to collect the things you need to escape overtime. Once night fell, you wrote your note ((a/n): I know, classic, but just keep reading.) And got out through the window in your room. After you escaped, you just ran, you ran as far as you could into the forest.

POV third

It seems that your sisters found your note before the morning, and showed it to "father" who was not pleased to know you left.

"Father": *sighs while ripping the note* "... You two, go bring him back" *slams hands on desk* "NOW! But if you can't find him, THEN YOU BETTER HOPE HE DIED!"

The twins, now scared, leave the room, knowing that if they don't find out your dead, they can't return. After they leave, "father" opens his scroll to call to someone.

Father: he left. Can the plan still proceed without him?

????: It can, but if he's still alive, he can ruin everything. It's better to just kill him.

Father: very well, I'll let the ones I sent to look for him know

????: Good. Also, remember what'll happen if you fail.

After he heard this, your "father" hears something behind him and turns around, only to be met with a horrifying sight.

Father: *sounding nervous* v-v-very well, sir. I'll have it done as soon as possible.

????: Good. Goodbye for now.

After he hangs up the call, he turns around again, only to see an all too familiar arm on the floor, with a wedding ring on it.

The Protectors (RWBY x Abused Reader) Volume One: A New StartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant