Chapter 5: Meeting the "Cleaner". Teams are made.

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POV Qrow

Qrow: "this better be important, Oz. You of all people should know how busy I am, especially since this is the day or Thorn's initiation for Beacon."

Ozpin (on scroll): "I know. And it is important. The night that Thorn has a melt down turns out to be the same night someone breaks into the Malachite house and even burns it down. I think that's too much of a coincidence."

Qrow: "I'd say good. Especially since all the things they did to him is still affecting him..."

Ozpin: "Qrow, I know how personal this is to you, but you need to focus. Remember, I just need you to check and see if anyone is there. If one of her pawns is there, don't engage."

Qrow: "No promises" *ends call*

As I get near the house, I noticed that I don't smell burning flesh... Dammit... Those assholes got away safely.

As I enter the house, I noticed the walls and ceiling are still intact, along with symbols on the walls... Shit... This is Roman's symbol...

I decide nows a good time to update Oz, as I bring out my scroll. However, the moment I do, I feel a massive amount of Killing Intent all around me.

???: "My oh my, if it isn't the famous Qrow Branwen. Now, what do I owe to welcome you to my humble abode?"

 Now, what do I owe to welcome you to my humble abode?"

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What I see in front of me... Is the biggest lie I've ever seen. He looks like a normal person, but just by looking at him, I can feel my blood freeze... If he works for the Queen, then this won't be easy...

Qrow: "So... Who are you?"

???: "Let's just say... I'm a Cleaner."

Just after he says that, I hear movement behind me, and I just barely got out of the way of a snake-like creature.

Qrow (mind): "Shit, the rooms are too narrow"

I start running out of the building, multiple snake creatures giving chase. Once I get out of the building, I take out my weapon, and convert it to scythe mood. However, it seems once I got outside, the snake creatures stop and disappears.

Qrow: "..."

I put back my weapon, and start heading back to Beacon.

Time skip


Cause of a "certain incident" I was almost late for the initiation. As I make my way to the launch pads, I start looking around till I see (Y/n). Once I find him, I sneak up on him and jump on his back.

Thorn: "Whoa, what the-" *looks over her shoulder to see you* "Neo?! What are you doing here?"

I take out my scroll to talk to him

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