As the boys continue laughing, I glare at them all, "Hey, I'm sure all of you have embarrassing sleep habits, and I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find out what they were either would it?"

They stop laughing, and I smile, "Let's go to school."


Well, Adam, Chase, and I just got out of our Health class, and we all have our assigned robo-babies for the fake baby project we're doing. We had to pick them up as soon as we got to school, and she passed baby out stuff to us during the class.

If you're wondering why we are in this class with Chase, it's just to get the health requirement out of the way. Chase and I's babies are in these baby carriers we picked up, and, as for Adam, he shoved his baby in his bag quicker than I could say the word baby.

It was there one second, then poof.

"Hey, guys." Chase says smiling at Leo and Bree, as we all approach them.

"Chase, have you been stealing from five-year-old girls again?" Leo asks worried.

I laugh, and Chase glares at us, "Ha ha. It's for health class. Each of us has to baby-sit a robo-baby for a night."

Well, a lot can happen in one day.

His baby starts crying, and he takes it out of the carrier, "Are you hungry? Yes, you are, my Snoogie-Woogie-Boogie!"


"Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier." Bree mumbles.

"It cries when it's tired or hungry. I have to take care of him, because if I don't, I lose a point. Which, of course, I haven't. And I won't, because I have downloaded every childcare book available. I even know how to rescue a baby out of an alligator's mouth." He says feeding his baby a bottle.

After he sees the look on our faces, he elaborates, "Happens more often than you think."

"Isn't that slightly cheating?" I ask Chase.

His eyes widen, "No? It's just preparing myself in advance."

"Yeah, sure."

Bree shakes her head and turns to Adam, "So, where's your baby? Lost it already?"

He fake laughs, "Haha! No. Do you really think I'm that irresponsible?"

He smiles and holds up his backpack that has baby legs sticking out of it, "It's in here. I named him 'Shut Your Cryhole'. That way, whenever I say his name, he'll know to stop crying."

Umm, well. That's...interesting.

"You keep your baby in a bag?" Leo questions.

"Yeah! It's super-toasty, books to read if he's bored, and it's totally safe." Adam reasons pulling out his baby to unveil it covered in all sorts of backpack junk.

He looks at it and spots the gum in its mouth, "Oh! You found my gum! And a penny!" He adds after chewing the gum and discovering the penny.

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, Adam. I don't think a backpack is the safest place for a baby."

He looks at me, "Really?"

I nod, and he frowns a little.

Chase scoffs, "Dude, you are totally gonna fail this assignment."

"No, I'm not, because unlike you, I know what a baby likes. I think like a baby." Adam says proudly.

Well, it's nice to see he gained his confidence back so quickly.

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now