Chip Switch

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Jasmyn's POV

I am in the elevator they added to the school with Leo enjoying the nice, smooth music they have. It took him a lot of convincing to get me to do this because I am a little claustrophobic. Though elevators don't get to me that much, and I wanted to try it out at least once. This is one of the most exciting things that's happened to the school since... I don't know.

We get to the bottom floor, and Leo keeps dancing because he doesn't notice the door opened.

"DOOLEYS!" Principal Perry yells at us and stops Leo from dancing.

She steps closer, "What are you guys doing in my elevator?"

Leo and I look at each other with wide eyes, and he quickly comes up with something, "We're enjoying the music. Today's love song is from the 90s. Wanna dance?" He holds his arms up to Principal Perry in attempts to dance with her.

Leo, why would you do that to yourself.

She shakes her head, "Use the stairs! This is exactly how healthy kids become unhealthy adults."

I laugh, as we get out of the elevator, and shake my head, "Really? Are we having this conversation?"

"For your information, I'm a speed walker. Perhaps you've seen me at the Mission Creek Mall, giving the shoppers a little eye candy." Perry says and speed walks away.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." I say to Leo, as he nods and gags.

"Listen up Space Fillers! This is emergency preparedness week. An emergency drill can happen at any time. So, when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion... Like cattle, if cattle had acne, and braces, and a future filling up my gas tank." Perry finishes.

Leo and I see Adam, Bree, and Chase and decide to join them.

"Oh, man! I wish I had Bree's super-speed because you do not want to be stuck walking behind cows in an emergency, trust me on that!" Adam says disappointedly.

Chase looks at him in shock, "You would trade your super-strength for Bree's super-speed? Man, if I had your strength, I'd just run out of the building juggling those cows."

"Yeah, and if I had your super-intelligence, I'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago." Bree says.

"Hey, you know what would be awesome? If you guys took out your bionic chips and switched your abilities." Leo suggests.

The three of them look at each other, "Why can't we?" Chase asks.

They begin calling for each others abilities, and Leo steps in, "I call good looks and charisma. Oh, too late, already got 'em. "

"I call....Yeah, I'm not sure what I call." I say confused.

They laugh at me, and we go home.


Realizing there was no possible way to do it during the entire day, Adam, Bree, and Chase decide to wait for tomorrow to switch their chips, which is now today.

"If you guys are gonna switch your chips before before school, don't you think you should run this by Davenport first?" Leo asks.

"They're are chips." Bree says defensively.

Leo nods, "Well, yeah, but what if something glitches out and you end up with Adam's gigantic head on Chase's tiny, doll-like body?"

"His heads not that big." I say in Adam's defense crossing my arms.

Leo gives me a weird look, and Bree breaks whatever thoughts were going through his head, "We don't have to ask "daddy" for permission on every single thing we do."

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