Back from the Future

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Jasmyn's POV

 Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I are currently in the lab waiting yet again for Davenport to send them off to another mission. It is really early in the morning, and I am still in my pajamas even though I have school in about an hour. 

Davenport walks into the lab, "Ok, your mission supplies are packed. The schematics have been uploaded into Chase's chip, and your transport is on the way. Did I forget anything?" 

"No. We'll just guess what the mission is and see how it all plays out." Bree says sarcastically.

Realization crosses Davenport's face, "Alright,  a particle collider is a three mile long, underground facility where scientist-"

Chase interrupts him, "-raise subatomic particles at each other at light speed for energy experiments." 

Davenport and Chase start giggling like little school girls.

"So, cool." Chase exclaims.

"I know." Davenport agrees. They then do this weird hand thing. 

Everyone gives them weird looks, and they stand up straight. 

Davenport continues explaining the mission, "There is a particle collider in Berkeley that is accelerating out of control, and your mission is to shut it down."

Adam gets excited, "Awesome!" 

"I hope one of us knows how to do that." He mutters to Bree. 

Davenport ignores Adam, "Ok, we have to act quickly, the scientists that operate the facility.." ...Excuse me..." He says quickly moving Leo, who is sitting in his desk chair, out of the way. 

"...Have already evacuated the control center, and, if we don't shut it down in time, it will create a massive black hole that will implode the entire planet." Davenport finishes. 

My eyes go wide.

Leo stands up, "Today? No, that's not gonna work. Today is Shelly Evans birthday, and her mom makes the best cupcakes!"

Everyone gives Leo an exasperated look, except for me.

"I'm just saying. That woman doesn't skip on the sprinkles."

"Hey, don't judge him until you have tried them. The icing is really smooth and so sweet it makes my taste buds dance!" I say my mind drifting to the cupcakes. 

They give me an even weirder look, well that didn't help. 

Davenport nods, "Don't worry, Leo. You will get your cupcakes. Adam, Bree, and Chase have all the training they need to shut the collider down."

We all walk to another one of Davenport's desks. This one is much bigger.

"I don't know, Big D. I think these guys are gonna need some back up!" Leo sings and holds his arms in a superhero position.

I nod. "I agree with Leo, minus the arm thing and the singing."

"Yeah, and that's why you guys are gonna be 'back up' here in the lab with me." Davenport mocks.

Adam laughs, "Oh, he said backup, and you said back up. Saying things twice makes it funny. Oh,  saying things twice makes it fun-"

"STOP IT!" Davenport yells at Adam.

All of a sudden, there's this weird noise and something big and too bright to make out what exactly it is. 

When the thing finally stops, we see a boy and a girl screaming.

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