Bionic Birthday Fail

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Jasmyn's POV

Me, Leo, and Davenport are currently in the lab watching Adam, Bree, and Chase fight inside of this like virtual reality thing.

They finish with Adam throwing a man across the room. They all high five. Davenport turns the virtual reality thing off, "Adam, that was the rebel leader. The whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him."

"I did, and his answer was 'Ahh!', Adam responds defensively.

They walk down to where we're standing.

"Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel?", Bree suggests to Davenport. He looks up from typing to her, and he just stares at her. "What?! I'm just sayin'. It's​ not gonna kill you to add a little somethin'-somethin' for the ladies." Davenport just shakes his head.

Leo scoffs and pushes past Adam and Chase. "Step aside, Amateurs." Leo says grabbing the goggles from the table. He then stands on the platform that they were just on. "Go ahead, Big D. Set it to awesome!" He makes a superhero pose, and everyone laughs at him.

Davenport walks on the platform and grabs the glasses of Leo's face while Adam, Bree, and Chase sit down at a table in the lab.

"Leo, those goggles are not a toy", Davenport says.

I walk on the platform and join them.

"Come on! My birthday's coming up, globally known as 'Dia Del Leo' ", Leo explains to Davenport.

I laugh, "You're the only person that calls it that."

He glares at me.

Davenport shakes his head at Leo, "No. I designed the mission simulator to fine-tune their bionics, not to go on 3-D joyrides. Besides, you're not trained for it." Davenport finishes stepping of the platform.

Leo follows him, "Well, how about as a birthday gift, you give me a bionic ability?"

I scoff. Davenport chuckles, "Or I could gift-wrap reality, and you could play with that for a while." He walks off to put the goggles away.

Chase stands up, "So, Leo's having a birthday. What are you, like, nine?" I laugh because I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.

Leo scolds me and Chase, "Fourteen."

I laugh even harder, and Adam, Bree, and Chase chuckle. Chase gets serious, "No seriously." Leo looks at him wide eyed.

"So how are you gonna celebrate?", Bree asks.

"We're all going to celebrate. Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party." Leo says.

"Really?!", Adam asks excitedly.

Leo nods, "Last year, she baked a cake the size of me."

I rub my stomach, "I'm not gonna lie; you were delicious."

Leo points to me, "See."

They shake their heads at us, and go change out of their mission suits.

Leo and I walk over to see what Davenport is doing in his computer.

Mom runs into the lab, "Guess what?! I just found out that I won an award for my undercover reporting on expired produce: 'Something in the crisper can kill you.' "

We smile at her, and Davenport gives her a hug. "Congratulations! That's so great!"

"Oh, thank you, but the awards banquet is the same night as Leo's birthday." Leo and I glance at each other.

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن