As he lifts his hand up, the football goes flying in the opposite direction.

We all look at him in shock.

"What just happened?" Bree asks.

"Did you just?" Adam trails.

Chase freezes, "I think I just moved that ball with my mind."

"I didn't know you could do that." Leo says in shock.

"Neither did I."

"Wow, congrats! You're finally useful," I say patting him on the back.

He looks at me offended, and Adam smiles, "Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine."

Bree chuckles and places her hand on Adam's shoulder. "We've been wondering that for years."


On the way home, Leo and I got cravings for sub sandwiches. So, we stopped by the shop and Leo FORGOT his wallet, so I paid for them.

"Whoo-hoo!", Leo yells, as we get into the lab, with his sandwich in hand, "Chase, this is amazing! You can move things with your mind! You're like a really cool magician. You know, if there was such a thing as a really cool magician."

I nod and take a bite out my half eaten sandwich.

Chase shakes his head, "It doesn't make any sense. It was probably just a fluke. I mean, it's not like everything around me is gonna suddenly start flying through the air." He raises his hand to demonstrate, and, as he does so, some things do indeed go flying through the air, including my sandwich.

I glare at him, "Ok, I'm over the ability, and you owe me a sandwich." I turn to Leo, "And, you owe me ten dollars."

"What?! But, my sandwich was only five dollars!" Leo exclaims.

I nod, "Yeah, but I paid for two sandwiches, so you have to pay for two sandwiches."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, then you're paying a late fee... of five dollars."

Before he responds, Bree starts walking toward the elevator. "I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport about this."

Chase stops her, "What? No, wait! If this is a glitch, and Mr. Davenport finds out about it, he won't let me go to school anymore. Let me tap into his cyber desk, see if I can find out anything."

He goes to Davenport's desk, does a bunch of nerdy stuff, and looks up with wide eyes, "Okay. Oh, whoa! Guys, this isn't a glitch. I can move objects by manipulating the energy around them. I've unlocked a hidden bionic ability called Molecular Kinesis."

"Yeah, Chase, I'm also gonna need you to unlock your ability to use smaller words." Adam says.

Chase ignores him, "According to this, we all have hidden abilities."

Bree tries to get a closer look, "What?!"

"What are they?" Adam asks excitedly.

"I don't know, let me see." As Chase tries to swipe, he gets shut down, "Oh, no. It's shutting us out. Mr. Davenport must have put a security lock on it. I'm sorry, guys, I guess we'll just have to discover them on our own."

Adam sighs, "Fine. Ooh! Maybe my new ability is that I can speak Russian." He starts walking sneakily around the lab, "Testing, testing...Is this Russian?" He asks us.

Bree smirks, "Keep lookin."

He does as told, and, one by one, everyone begins leaving him in the lab. I go to follow them but stop. "Adam!"

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now