"Well, you guys just met. Don't you think it's a little soon?" Leo asks.

"A little soon for what? Taking the deeply committed step of jamming together?" Chase exclaims.

"Now, if we could just find someplace to practice. I live in a pretty small place, so.." Marcus trails off.

"I know a place. The lab." Adam stands and says without thinking.

Chase coughs, and Adam realizes his mistake, "Oh! L-labrador retriever park. Yeah, the dog park. Nice acoustics. Plus, they have dogs. Saved it." He sings.

"Well, you know, Marcus, we have a pretty big place. We can all just jam there." Chase pitches.

Is he trying to get us killed??

Leo furrows his brows and pulls Chase and I up to stand, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses, cowboy. Come on. Chase, what are you doing? Do you really think it's a good idea to let a total stranger into our very private home?"

I nod, "Yeah, you might wanna think that through a bit."

"That's okay, guys. We don't have to jam. Not everyone needs a bright spot in their otherwise horrible life." Marcus comments from the table.

"Oh, look, guys, you're making him feel bad." Chase points.

Really? Either this guy is faking, or he has some serious issues.

Chase turns back to Marcus. "Don't worry, Marcus. We'll practice at our place later. Come on over.

"Great. See you guys after school." Marcus says completely fine and walks out of the cafeteria.

Leo shakes his head, "You guys are making a big mistake. I mean, you've only been in the real world for a little while. There's still a lot of stuff you don't know."

Chase rolls his eyes. "Look, Leo, I'm not gonna run my playdates past you. Hel-lo! Genius!"

"What you have is book smarts. I have street smarts, and I've gotta watch what's happening on the street."

I nod, "Yeah, Leo's actually right. We have more experience with real world things than you do. You should listen to us when it comes to 'street' knowledge."

Adam puts his arms around me and Leo. "Oh, guys! Relax! We are not going to be playing in the street. We're going to be playing in the house. These guys."

"Let's go to class," I say sighing.


I'm sitting on a stool at home watching 'the band' practice while pretending to read a magazine.

Leo begins sneaking up behind them hiding behind things.

They suddenly stop playing.

"Well, it's only our first day, but you guys sound great! I think you both have real raw talent," Marcus compliments.

Adam chuckles, "Well, if our talent is raw, then we better start cooking."He jokes and does the classic drum sound for when someone says a joke. I taught him that.

Chase and Marcus give him a blank stare, and I smirk and give him a thumbs up. He gives me a small smile and looks back down to his drum set.

By now, Leo has already invaded Marcus' personal space and stares him down.

Everyone notices, and Chase gives him an amused smile. "Leo, what are you doing?"

"Just asking Marcus a few questions."

Here we go.

"Where were you born? What is your birthday? Who is the president of Venezuela?!"

Ah, there it is.

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now