Chapter 7: The Start of a New Journey

Start from the beginning

Unable to stop myself, more thoughts flow inside my head.  Maybe Serena thought that I would remain loyal to the people who I still had left.  Maybe she's not even coming.  Maybe-

Before anymore thoughts come, the ground starts growing below me, and I smile, happy at last.  I turn, and to my delight, Serena's there, smiling at me.  Happily, I run over to her, and I pull her into a giant hug.  She doesn't do anything to stop me, and she laughs, but not in a mocking kind of way.  I almost want to kiss her, but I would never want to do anything that she wouldn't agree to.  But I am going to tell her about my feelings- by tomorrow.  This is the promise I'm making to myself.  For now, we break apart, and Serena looks at me fondly.

"I certainly didn't expect to see you this early," she admits.  "Usually, unless you were training, I wouldn't see you awake until noon!"

"Oh!  Well, I, uh... I wanted to leave before anyone saw me," I admit.  

"Oh, well, that's understandable," Serena tells me, sympathy laced into her voice.  She now holds out a hand to me.  "Come with me, your new life awaits!"

I gladly take her hand, walking with her.  I marveled at how everything looked from a fairy's perspective- definitely different from how I usually see things!

Serena looks at me, a twinkle in her eye.  "Usually we fly, so things look more, er, normal," she explained.  "But I assumed that you didn't want me dragging you around in the air, so..."

I shrug.  "Don't worry about it, Serena.  I'm sure we'll get there soon," I encourage.  She blushes and gives me a little smile, which in turn causes me to turn scarlet as well.  She's beautiful when she blushes... well, she's beautiful in general, what am I saying!?

"Do other pe- er, fairies know that I'm coming?" I ask, trying to spark some sort of conversation with her.

"Oh!  Well, it's kind of a long story," Serena tells me.  Then, she looks at me cheekily and adds, "But, we've got time, don't we?"

I flash a grin at her.  "That we do."

Serena laughed a little at my change in wording.  "You sound just like Heliux- my Magic Minister," she explains.  "He's from a previous generation of fairies.  Well, previous-previous generation- it's sort of hard to explain, but he's not like regular fairies."

"Oh?" I ask.  "How so?"

"To put it short, each fairy lives up to a thousand years- we don't age past twenty though.  Anyway, when the Leader- that's what I am- dies, the fairies that were alive during their reign slowly start to be replaced."  

"Since you're a Leader, does that mean you have the highest position amongst the fairies?" I ask her, becoming a little intimidated at the thought of it.

She shakes her head.  "No, we have a Queen who doesn't live with us; she's the most powerful fairy, and-" she breaks off, smiling sheepishly.  "I'm going to stop now before I continue to ramble."

I grin.  "I'm going to find out about this eventually, so I don't mind."

She smiles back, continuing on.  "Where was I?  Anyway, there are exceptions, like if a Leader dies too early- but yeah.  About half of the fairies in my camp are from the old generation, and have yet to be replaced with new fairies," she adds positively.

"So wait... when a Leader dies, everyone just willingly gives up their life to the new fairy!?" I asked incredulously, because what if I wanted to live longer?

"It's important to keep the cycle running," she huffs, and I can tell that she finds it odd herself.  "Like I said, Heliux is different though- he and the Darks' Minister have served since the very first generation of fairies.  Lita, the first leader of the Lights- my group of fairies- blessed them both with immortality, or at least that's the story Heliux tells me, to be able to teach each fairy magic and how to use their Element.  Isn't that cool!?" Serena asks excitedly.

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