Chapter 36

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Harmony: so we were headed to the mall since Kaitlyn was gonna be there with Jazzie and Chanel. We wanted to tell what happened and shit. What was crazy is that Niyah didn't care that she was gonna miss seeing the Hollywood sign. She probably forgot and is gonna remember like after and gonna go tomorrow. Anyways we open the door Roc the mall and we didn't know where they could be.

Harmony: where could they be?

Niyah: I have no idea.

Harmony: well if you were hanging out with them at this time where would you be with them?

Niyah: either shopping or at the food court.

Harmony: maybe we should call them?

Niyah: Well you could've thought of that way before.

Harmony: sorry. I forgot we got phones these days.

Niyah: you are really stupid for that. You basically use your phone everyday.

Harmony: yeah but you should be the last one calling someone stupid. I'm the person you ask for help with a lot of school work.

Niyah: whatever. We ain't in school right so shut the fuck up.

Harmony: and you can just suck a dick.

Niyah: the hell you come from with that?

Harmony: everywhere.

Niyah: that don't make sense.

Harmony: but you being born didn't make sense.

Niyah: just call them please.

Harmony: that's what I'm doing.

Niyah: well same you don't have to be rude about it.

Harmony: but you are.

Niyah: why you being so rude all of a sudden.

Harmony: cause I feel like it.

Niyah: well you got problems.

Harmony: I know I do and one of them is you.

Niyah: fine be like that.

Harmony: nah I'm kidding. You know you my friend.

Niyah: yeah whatever.

I'm calling Kaitlyn and it's ringing and she picks up after like five rings.

Kaitlyn POV

So Jacob been explaining the whole story with him and Harmony and shit. I didn't pay attention to half the things he just said cause I got it after he told me the second time. Chanel is just like trying to get every information for him. She asking like she's interrogating him like he committed a crime. I'm just on Instagram liking random pics and took like two pictures of Chanel and Jacob. I'm not posting it on Instagram yet. Maybe later though. If I remember. Then I started looking at vine videos with Jazzie on her phone. Most of them were funny.

Kaitlyn: yo Chanel why are you interrogating him like he did a crime?

Chanel: I'm not. I'm just trying to learn about him and his family.

Kaitlyn: no you trying to get every single piece of information from him. Like chill.

Chanel: oh well. He gonna tell what's up.

Jacob: and if I don't?

Chanel: then I'll cut you.

Jazzie: Chanel!!!!!!

Chanel: what I'm stating facts.

Kaitlyn: well you got problems.

Chanel: I know I do. I'm not normal.

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