Chapter 23

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Asking for permission


Harmony POV

So my mom just came back from work I think. Or something like that. Her schedule is really confusing to me. Anyways she came back and I'm gonna ask her if I could go to LA and ATL. She should say yes because I got family members in both places. I got my dad living there for only one more month cause they gave him extra time and my aunt in ATL for a long time. She been there for about 7-8 years now.

H mom hey Harmony. How you doing?

Harmony: good.

H mom: alright.

Harmony: can I ask you a question?

H mom: sure.

Harmony: so you know how we have spring break starting Wednesday?

H mom: yes.

Harmony: so Chanel and everyone else planned a trip for LA and ATL. I was wondering am I ale To go.

H mom: when did they tell you?

Harmony: just today like about an hour ago.

H mom: alright.

Harmony: so?

H mom: I'll let you go since you have your dad and my sister.

Harmony: thank you thank you thank you.

H mom: yeah anytime. But what are you guys taking?

Harmony: a plane of course.

H mom: and where you getting that money?

Harmony: I'll called dad and told him and maybe you could pay half and half or he pays for LA and you pay for ATL with probably Aunt Angela.

H mom: alright.

Harmony: so I'm gonna call him back and you guys could talk it out.

H mom: ok. Not now but in like a few cause I just got home and I'm tired.

Harmony: ok. But thank you again.

H mom: yeah.

So with the I went upstairs and called Kaityln to tell her the news.


Kaityln POV

I left the hotel cause I just felt like going home. I just wanted to lay in my bed but also I'm probably gonna ask my mom if she's there.

Phone rings

Kaityln: hello.

Harmony: hey Kaityln. Guess what.

Kaityln: what?

Harmony: my mom said yes.

Kaityln: I knew she was gonna say yes cause you got family. Plus you got me.

Harmony: I knew too. But I still had to ask.

Kaityln: plus how did you do it?

Harmony: what you mean?

Kaityln: I mean like how did you get her to say yes.

Harmony: I planned it. I called my dad and my aunt they said yes and all I had to do was ask my mom.

Kaityln: wow.

Harmony: I know.

Kaityln: I'm gonna do that.

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