Making things right

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I just woke up. I got up and realized that it was quiet. So I checked every room and no one was there. I was gonna leave but then I decided to go to my room and sleep again. I was knocked out again. Zzzzzz


Princeton: yo what's up Kaityln. Harmony here?

Kaityln: hey Prince and this is her house and I'm here so does that answer her question.

Princeton: can I come in please?

Jordyn: yo Kaityln who's at the door?

Kaityln: just Princeton.

Jordyn: him again. (Walks towards the door) what do you want?

Princeton: I need to speak to her.

Jordyn: but she doesn't want to talk to you.

Princeton: please. Don't you guys want us to be cool.

Jordyn: yes but it's up to Harmony.

Princeton: so she calls shots.

Jordyn: basically since she's the one who's mad.

Princeton: just give me a minute please.

Kaityln: fine. But you better just say you bum rushed us when we said no because you wanted to talk to her.

Princeton: yeah sure whatever. (Goes upstairs)

Jordyn: she's probably gonna get mad at him even more.

Kaityln: yeah but I don't want her to be mad at me. Plus she's mad at him anyways so he might as well take all the blame.

Jordyn: true.

Harmony: so who was at the door?

Kaityln: oh it was just.. Harmony? what are you doing here?

Harmony: well it's my house.

Kaityln: I mean what are you doing down here?

Harmony: I was thirsty and wanted to get something to drink.

Jordyn: when did you come down?

Harmony: just now.

Jordyn: how? What?

Kaityln: she's probably a ninja.

Princeton: she's not here (yelling)

Harmony: who's that? That better not be Princeton cause I swear...

Jordyn: oh well.

Princeton: (comes out of Harmony's room) there you are.

Harmony: really.

Jordyn: well he bum-rushed us.

Harmony: really and neither of you could go after him.

Kaityln: didn't think that over.

Princeton: it's not there fault. Look just listen to me.

Harmony: didn't we have this conversation before. I forgive you.

Jordyn: you do? then why are you still mad at him?

Kaityln: sarcasm forgiveness.

Jordyn: what?

Kaityln: it's when you have that one person bugging you for them to forgive you but you don't want to cause you're not ready but then their presence bugs you even more so you "forgive them".

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