Scare pt2

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Kaityln: hey Princeton.

Princeton: hey. You alright?

Kaityln: yeah I'm fine.

Princeton: you sure.

Kaityln: yeah. But um I think that there's a slight chance that I might be um pregnant.

Princeton: yeah I know.

Kaityln: so I'm gonna make an appointment to see if I am.

Princeton: and when will be the appointment.

Kaityln: to probably like Tuesday.

Princeton: so I'm suppose to wait like two days knowing that my wife might be pregnant and my birthday is tomorrow.

Kaityln: look I don't wanna do it tomorrow especially cause your birthday is tomorrow and I don't wanna everyone on top of us.

Princeton: what do you mean?

Kaityln: think about it. It's your birthday and everyone is gonna be saying stuff. I don't know how it's possible to go to the doctor with everyone else on our backs.

Princeton: you're right though. But I just don't wanna worry about this on my birthday.

Kaityln: how about you just don't think about it. We just forget about it for a day. Please.

Princeton: alright I'll try.

Kaityln: thank you.

Princeton: why don't you tell your mom.

Kaityln: oh cause she might freak two she might be on top of me 24/7 and three I'm not trying to like get into a don't go anywhere kind of point.

Princeton: yeah that sounds a lot like a mother.

Kaityln: exactly.

Princeton: so Tuesday.

Kaityln: yup.

Princeton: fine.

Roc Royal: so Kaityln you alright.

Kaityln: yup I'm fine. Just some women problems. Just the stomach.

Roc Royal: al... the stomach?

Kaityln: it's women kind of stuff you wouldn't understand.

Roc Royal: alright. Yeah I'm not trying to get sick here. So alright.

Kaityln: yeah I got you here.

Roc Royal: so Princeton we gonna head to the hotel now?

Princeton: yeah in a minute.

Roc Royal: alright. Ray lets go.

Ray Ray: alright. What about Elijah and BigDeal.

Roc Royal: they said they coming later.

Ray Ray: it's 5:00.

Roc Royal: exactly they have plenty of time.

Ray Ray: alright then. Hold up why we going?

Roc Royal: (whispers) look we could pick out our rooms.

Ray Ray: good thinking.

Roc Royal: I might be young but I'm smart.

Ray Ray: whatever.

Kaityln: oh and Roc um (stands up) I put your name on one of the rooms. (Whispered)

Roc Royal: how?

Kaityln: I'm sneaky I'm slick that's how.

Roc Royal: alright whatever.

Kaityln: your welcome.

Roc Royal: thanks anyways. Now Ray lets go.

Ray Ray: coming. Later

Princeton: later. I'm gonna be there in a few anyways.

Ray Ray: alright.

Princeton: ya know the place right.

Ray Ray: of course. We're not stupid.

Roc Royal: it's on our phone.

Princeton: want me to send it to you guys again.

Roc Royal: you could send it to Ray Ray but not me. I don't need it.

Princeton: but ya going together it's alright.

Roc Royal: yeah.

Kaityln: bye

Roc Royal: bye.

Chanel: what up

Kaityln: what?

Chanel: I'm saying hey.

Kaityln: yeah but why?

Chanel: I don't know.

Kaityln: you're stupid.

Chanel: and you're rude.

Princeton: anyways I'll leave you two to some conversation.

Chanel: alright.

Kaityln: where you going?

Princeton: somewhere in the house where I won't hear or see a weird conversation.

Chanel: I'm not weird. I was just bored.

Princeton: ok then am awkward conversation.

Chanel: whatever.

Kaityln: this is a weird conversation.

Chanel: shut up.

Kaityln: sorry but it's true.

Chanel: You just saying that because your baby daddy said so.

Kaityln: actually I'm saying it because it's true.

Chanel: oh and Princeton when you and Kaityln um let's say played around did you use a condom?

Princeton: yeah.

Chanel: alright just making sure. But how can she be slightly pregnant?

Kaityln: are you seriously gonna talk about it now?

Chanel: hell yes.

Kaityln: look it's between me and him. See yourself out.

Chanel: you know what I'm trying to find information cause you are just stupid.

Kaityln: whatever.

Princeton: so what else you need to know?

Chanel: I just asked a question.

Princeton: oh yeah I forgot. My bad. But anyways I don't know but then again condoms don't work 100%.

Chanel: true that. Anyways thanks. (Walks)

Kaityln: so you basically came here to get some info about my life.

Chanel: yeah.

Kaityln: (nods) you need to get a life.

Chanel: same for you.

Kaityln: I have a life.

Chanel: raising children. Might as well be on Teen Mom.

Kaityln: shut up.

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