Birthday pt2

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At the buffet

Dj BigDeal: this is the best breakfast I ever had.

Princeton: you sound like you haven't eaten in like weeks.

Dj BigDeal: breakfast like this no.

Jazzie: you sound just like Chanel when she's really hungry.

Niyah: I swear ya two should he together.

Jazzie: ya should.

Chanel: can you shut up.

Niyah: what it's true. Even he probably knows that.

Roc Royal: oh he knows that. Cause all we heard during the tour was Chanel this Chanel that.

Ray Ray: all we wanted to do was smack the dude.

Jazzie: I would've.

Dj BigDeal: can I enjoy my breakfast in peace.

Harmony: I wonder what life would be if we didn't have food.

Chanel: I would've died.

Dj BigDeal: we all would've died.

Harmony: that's not true.

Princeton: it's really not. You would die if you didn't have water.

Ray Ray: dude shut up.

Jazzie: why you so mean. It's his birthday.

Ray Ray: I don't care. I wouldn't care if it was his 100th birthday he needs to shut up. He talks too much.

Kaityln: and you need to get a life.

Ray Ray: shut up cause I actually got one. I'm not the one who hangs on a Saturday night with nothing to do. I actually have something to do.

Kaityln: whatever.

Niyah: didn't he say he wanted a fight free day.

Ray Ray: I'm sorry but she need to stop talking.

Kaityln: and you need to stop being mean.

Ray Ray: whatever.

Roc Royal: nah don't whatever my sister. That's not cool.

Kaityln: thank you.

Ray Ray: you just got lucky today. But tomorrow there ain't no mercy.

Kaityln: whatever.

Harmony: ya fight too much.

Niyah: well this is the life. The black life.

Chanel: Niyah.

Niyah: I'm just saying facts.

Jazzie: but why you had to say it like that.

Niyah: it's the truth ain't it.

Roc Royal: it really is.

Niyah: black people got problems.

Princeton: ya say that a lot. Like no ya talking about black people got problems.

Elijah: what about light skinned people.

Princeton: thank you right.

Kaityln: (laughs) where you come from with that.

Elijah: but ain't it facts that light skinned people got problems too.

Kaityln: yeah.

Niyah: oh we know that for sure.

Kaityln: shut up.

Niyah: still only stating facts.

Kaityln: whatever.

Chanel: anyways what are we gonna do today?

Princeton: walk around.

Niyah: you don't even know.

Princeton: nope. I chose to go with the flow. Cause you always had the feeling that when you plan something then it goes wrong.

Niyah: yeah.

Princeton: this time I chose to go with the flow instead of planning it so it can get ruined.

Chanel: that's smart but why don't you just have a backup plan.

Princeton: that seems like a lot of work.

Kaityln: it really is.

Harmony: I just usually pick a place like at least the first place and then let it all go with the flow.

Kaityln: it makes sense.

Harmony: I just wing everything in life.

Kaityln: you mean go with the flow.

Harmony: yeah.

Niyah: I do that sometimes.

Chanel: I think that everyone does that at least once in their life.

Jazzie: yeah.


After breakfast

Times Square

Chanel: why are we here?

Princeton: well I wanted to walk and hang around Times Square.

Niyah: who does that? That's stupid.

Harmony: I did that for my 13th birthday.

Kaityln: I thought you went to puppy bowl for your birthday.

Harmony: I did but if I didn't walk around then I wouldn't know to go to puppy bowl.

Kaityln: what the hell do you mean?

Harmony: me walking around Times Square helped me find somewhere to go.

Kaityln: oh. Could've just said that.

Harmony: whatever.

Princeton: see thank you.

Harmony: oh no your idea is stupid.

Princeton: I thought you did that for your birthday?

Harmony: I did but I was 13. You're 18 that's totally different. You should've planned to go to some party or something.

Princeton: make me feel some type of way.

Jazzie: but she's right.

Princeton: damn that hurts.

Roc Royal: but it's 18.

Princeton: and.

Roc Royal: you should've planned to do something.

Princeton: well I didn't.

Roc Royal: well you should've

Princeton: well whatever.

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