He gotta know

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The next day

At the hotel


Elijah: ya up early.

Roc Royal: what are you talking about? It's 11.

Elijah: oh.

Roc Royal: stupid.

Dj BigDeal: what was you doing yesterday night that you had to oversleep?

Elijah: stayed watching tv.

Princeton: what's up with people staying up watching tv these days

Roc Royal: what's up with you making keeks, posting pics on Instagram and stuff at like 4:30 in the morning?

Princeton: well I'm just bored or feel like posting.

Ray Ray: but nobody is up to watch or like it. Or at least I wouldn't be.

Princeton: you wouldn't but other people would.

Roc Royal: yeah but it's too early.

Princeton: yeah but you guys be staying up watching tv til like 5 and don't wake up til like 3 or 4 pm.

Roc Royal: that's because it's the life.

Princeton: idiot.

Dj BigDeal: you guys argue too much.

Princeton: and you talk about Chanel way too much.

Ray Ray: and you talk about Kaityln.

Elijah: ya talk about some other girl we already hang with you might as well say.

Ray Ray: I don't.

Roc Royal: you may not talk about them but there might be some other people.

Ray Ray: shut up

Princeton: yeah anyways what are you guys doing today?

Roc Royal: I'm taking Kaityln shopping.

Ray Ray: didn't you do that like three months ago.

Roc Royal: yeah that was three months ago.

Ray Ray: whatever.

Princeton: so you going out with your sister, Ray what are you doing?

Ray Ray: chilling.

Roc Royal: you don't want to come Ray?

Ray Ray: nah it's cool.

Roc Royal: Harmony and Jordyn might come along.

Ray Ray: I need a walk.

Dj BigDeal: why you changed your mind?

Ray Ray: cause I feel like hanging with the girls.

Dj BigDeal: whats wrong with Kaityln

Princeton: yeah what's wrong with Kaityln?

Ray Ray: nothing. When I hear that other people are coming besides bro and sis then it's alright. Like Princeton you wouldn't mind cause like your her whatever and it's like family but if it's me or Elijah or BigDeal or whatever it's like weird.

Princeton: I get it.... I think. But for the contrary I'm not her whatever I'm her boyfriend.

Ray Ray: yeah but I have no idea what is going on so yeah I just had to say whatever.

Princeton: boyfriend would've been fine.

Ray Ray: it's weird saying boyfriend cause I'm a dude so.

Love war: the scare (mindless behavior)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat