Chapter 25

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"Hey babe" I heard Luke's voice say as I walked down the hallway. I looked over at him walking in front of me and scowled.

"Never call me that, shithead." I answered, sticking my tongue out and walking faster to catch up to him. I had the view of his back, but I wasn't complaining. He was beautiful from any angle.

He gave me a slight smile as I caught up to him and linked my arm with his. He began skipping like an idiot and I couldn't help but laugh. Pretty soon, I was skipping with him.


Luke's POV


We skipped down the hall, ignoring everyone's rude glares.

"Hey Mikey!" She yelled, stopping dead in her tracks. I looked to where Paige was looking, noticing Michael looking at a poster across the hallway. We made our way over to him, unlinking our arms.

"Whatcha lookin at?" She asked, meeting his gaze to a picture of a teenaged girl. Her body froze.

"Who's that?" I asked. Paige ignored my question.

"Why is there a picture of her in the school highway?" She asked, looking completely confused.

"Who is that?" I asked again.

"Anna" she answered. I widened my eyes, scanning her expression. She didn't seem bothered by it at all, just confused.

"Justin thought it'd be funny." I heard Michael's voice mutter finally. I rubbed my hand on Paige's back, just to make sure she was okay. She shrugged and changed her confused expression to a normal one.

"I like it there" she said smiling, placing a hand on Michael's shoulder. Michael smiled and nodded, beginning to walk away. Paige and I followed as we made our way to math. It was then that I noticed something. Paige was making progress. She was smiling at such an awful memory, as if she was saying

'Bring it on'


Literally shortest chapter ever. Soz💋

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