Chapter 16

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His hands moved around me as he straddled my body.

I was paralyzed.

I couldn't talk

I couldn't move

I couldn't feel.

I was drowning in fear.

"D-d" I couldn't manage to finish the word. I was terrified. I looked down to see his pants on the ground. I couldn't look at him. My eyes squeezed shut as he grabbed my face.

"Look at me." He demanded, winding his hand back. I had no choice.

I looked.

And the picture was scarring. But it only got worse.

I shut my eyes once more, as he repositioned himself.

This was actually happening.

"PLEASE, NO!" I screamed, jolting up.

I placed my trembling hands on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed.

"No no no no no" I muttered, digging my nails into my hands to get my mind off of it. I looked up to see Luke rushing in, engulfing me in his arms.

"Shh" he muttered. "It's over now."

He drew circles into my back as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Fucking cunt." I muttered, letting a humorous breath of air leave my mouth. Luke drew back and smiled at me.

"The boys are over is that okay?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Well it is your house." I said sarcastically.

"I guess so" he said

"How's Calum? Is he still, you know-"

"In shock?" I nodded

"Nah" he laughed. "Michael talked to him." I nodded, following Luke down the stairs.

"Hey Paige!" Calum chirped, looking up from his phone.

"Hey cal." I giggled, waving to Michael.

"You okay?" Michael asked, motioning to the stairs. I assumed he was talking about my scream. I nodded and let out a forced laugh

"I'm fine, just a nightmare." He gave me a questioning look but it soon faded. I looked around the room noticing an unfamiliar face sitting on the couch between the two boys.

"Um, do you guys wanna tell me who that boy is?" I laughed, gesturing to the dirty blonde boy who was wearing a red bandana.

"Oh!" Michael answered. "Ashton, this is Paige. Paige, Ashton. I think we've found a drummer." I beamed, nodding my head at Ashton.

"Hi Ashton." I said, sitting in the chair beside them.

"Hello!" He said excitedly. His voice was very high-pitched, but deep at the same time. It sounded like a puppy and it was the cutest thing ever.

"So are you guys a band now?" I asked

"Yup!" Luke and Calum replied in unison. I clapped my hands together

"Finally" I said, giving Luke a "you're welcome" glare. Ashton smiled and raised his eyebrows

"So what was your nightmare about?" I looked at the other boy's alarmed faces and gulped.

"Oh, just some creepy old man. I get dreams like that a lot. Don't really know why." He laughed and looked over at Luke.

"When you screamed, Luke got up so fast. It was pretty funny actually." I let out a small laugh and gave Luke a warm smile.

"Ha, aw was lukey pukey worried?" I joked. He let out a huff of air.

"You have no idea." He said, shooting his million dollar smile.

I liked Ashton. He was nice. He seemed like he'd be the perfect addition to the group. I also like how it was easy to make light of things around him. Although the question he asked may seem like something a bit uncomfortable, it wasn't at all. Everything was okay for once. And that's how I liked it.

"Wanna play a game?" Ashton asked us. We all agreed as he took out a deck of cards.

We played cards for about an hour until Calum let out a huge sigh.

"Guys I'm bored, let's do something else." He said.

"Well do you wanna go somewhere?" Luke asked.

Calum groaned "hell no. I'm not getting up."

"Then what should we do?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I don't know. I dare you to drink your pee." He replied, sticking his tongue out. Ashton laughed

"My brother did that once." He said through fits of giggles. Pretty soon, we were all laughing.

"Dude, when I was like five, my brother wiped his shit on my face. I was so scared." Luke said. Our laughter increased and pretty soon, I was rolling on the floor.

"EW!" I yelled, holding my stomach.

"One time, my sister Anna slipped on a pile of shit and broke her arm. So at school, every time someone asked how she broke it, she'd have to tell then that she slipped on dog shit," I said, laughing at the memory. Luke, Michael and Calum looked at me with a worried expression, and I could tell that Michael was hurting as soon as I said her name. I smiled at them, showing them that it was okay.

We spent the rest of the day playing card tricks and telling stories about our childhoods. Michael and I got to share a couple more stories about Anna and I had a great time.

That night, after the boys left, Luke and I took a walk outside.

"Your sister sounds amazing." He said, looking at the stars. I grabbed his hand as we kept walking.

"She's beautiful." I replied, sighing.

"I'd love to meet her" he said, squeezing my hand.

"I can take you to her one day if you'd like. I buried her coffin myself." I said, letting out a snicker.

"Hey, that's good. Better than some random stranger right?" He said, looking down at me. I smiled, thinking about it.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." I looked up into his gorgeous eyes, which were sparkling in the dim street lights.

"I'm always right." He replied.

"Fuck you." I giggled, looking back down at the sidewalk. He put his hand to his chest and pretended to gasp

"You're so mean to me!" He said, pretending to be hurt. I slapped his arm playfully.

"Hate you." I said jokingly.

"Love you." He replied, beaming down at me.


I have no votes oh. But that's okay because my book sucks so ilyg anyway 😂

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