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season two episode one & two ; rising . . .

part eight . . .

stargate operations . . .

control spire . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

lantea . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

The two security teams were gathered a few feet from the gate, readying themselves in their tac gear. Evan double-checked Jay's gear, a habit he'd gotten since the two of them began going off-world together two months ago when they first met. Once he's done she steps away to talk to the two security teams. Peter ran down the stairs and stopped near a pallet, studying a display.

"The MALP reads full viability and no immediate signs of activity around the Stargate, but it is pitch black. For now, we're going to use the tried and true system for identification of inbound gate travellers." John joined the rest of the team, readying his infrared goggles that the rest of the teams were already wearing. Sumner glanced at Elizabeth, who nodded.

"Let's move out!" Sumner called, leading the team through the gate. Jay quickly kissed Evan before heading towards the gate with John, and they both waved farewell to Rodney, Elizabeth and Evan before following the rest of the team through the gate.

athos . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

Once the team had stepped through the gate, Aiden, Robert, Jamie, Bates, Jay, Sumner, and John spread out to check the area around the gate, Wilkins, Parker and Smithy securing the gate. John and Aiden paired off, Jay, Robert and Jamie doing the same when John heard a twig snap and motioned for them to hold. Startled when a small figure ran into her vision, Jay readies her weapon, scaring the hell out of the child. Jay motioned to Jamie and Robert sharply and they lowered their guns, although they all flinched when a loud snarling followed by another boy wearing a scary mask ran and tackled the boy, sending them both to the floor.

"Please, don't hurt us." The two kids stare at Jay, Robert and Jamie in fear, Aiden and John arriving just then.

"Lower your weapons now," Jay instructed sharply, the three men following orders immediately. At the same time, another man ran into the clearing, stepping in front of the two kids protectively. Flinching backwards, Jay only barely got a hold of herself before her men could notice.

"Please! They're just playing." The man protested, worried for the kids. Sumner and the rest of the team approach them.

"Is everything okay here, Sheppard?" Sumner asked the Major, who still had his gun raised slightly despite her order to lower them. To Jay, he looked more startled than anything else, but her mind was elsewhere. And considering he'd only been off-world five times - three of those times were training for the gate activation and all of those times she'd been with her soulmate's team - she was impressed at how well he was handling it. She herself had only been involved with the project two months longer than him, but she was a trained SRE, and S&R officer and had been on several of the missions off-world with SG-12 to pull SG-1's ass outta the fire right before the expedition left the Milky Way.

"Yes, sir. Just a couple of kids." John released an unsteady breath and nodded when Jay tilted her head in questioning. Even he had managed to pick up on her silent ways of communicating with others, though, over the last few months, he'd noticed she did it more with her brother. The man stood up fully, and Jay had to smother a smile with her hand when he stood several inches taller than Sumner and he raised his weapon in a guarded way. The man gathered the two boys close to him before turning to John and Jay with a small gesture towards himself.

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