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interlude . . .

corridor . . .

main tower . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

lantea . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

"John, can we speak?" Adrian asked, slowing to a walk beside John in the hallway the next afternoon.

"Of course." John smiled.

"Ah, somewhere private?" Adrian glanced around at the busy hallway. John frowned but led Adrian out to the balcony.

"Is everything okay?" John asked in concern.

"Everything is fine, I promise." Adrian assured. "I just, I have to take a trip off-world tomorrow and since you will likely accompany me, I believed it prudent to explain the purpose of my trip." Adrian turned to look out at the city, gripping the railing.

"Whatever you have to say..." John trailed off.

"I have children. Two to be exact." Adrian explained, cutting John off. "It is common among our people to have children young, to keep the population up due to the hits taken by the Wraith Culling's. We often do so as teenagers and young adults."

"Oh, that's um, well..." John was completely stunned.

"Tomorrow is my scheduled trip to visit Calana. I am supposed to take my daughters in permanently, however..." Adrian trailed off.

"I'm not going to get upset about you having children before we met. Hell, I was married for several years in my twenties." John said casually. Adrian's eyebrows shot up.

 "May I ask why?" John exhaled.

"Up until a few years ago, the President of the country I am from was pushing an agenda that prevented men and women from joining the Armed Forces if they had same gender soulmates." John explained, Adrian gaping in shock. "If you met your soulmate while in the service, it often led to demotions or transfers."

"That's horrible."

"It is. Unfortunately it's not terribly common on Earth for people to support same sex relationships, soulmates or not. People on Earth aren't as enlightened as your people." John shrugged. "Anyway, my dad was worried that people would find out I liked men, so he made me marry my best friend Nancy. We're still friends, but we divorced eight years ago when Nancy met her soulmate Grant, however Grant is infertile. He can't have children of their own and they asked me to assist them in having children, and I did. They've now got three children i'm godfather and Uncle too." John wouldn't admit it, but he was looking forward to reconnecting to Earth again so he can visit them. His goddaughters were amazing.

"I am sorry. It must be hard to be cut off from your family." Adrian slid up closer, sliding his arm around John's waist.

"Ah, it's not so bad, Nancy and Grant understand the nature of my job and how passionate I am, and when I spoke to them about it they told me to do what I wanted, not to make the decision based on them. And if I hadn't, I never would have met you, after all." Adrian grinned brightly. "So anyway, you want me to meet your children?"

"Yes. You are my soulmate. Your family is my family, John, just as my family is yours." Adrian explained.

"I'd be honoured."

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