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season one episode three ; hide and seek . . .

part two . . .

conference room . . .

stargate operations . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

lantea . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

John stood in front of a schematic of the city on a monitor. Elizabeth, Aiden, Teyla, Adrian and Evan are all gathered around them.

"We can probably maintain security in this area with the limited number of personnel we have," John explained, gesturing to the area on the monitor.

"Our people can help." Teyla offered.

"Thank you, Komandan, Letnan." Elizabeth smiled, not stumbling over the pronunciation like John, Jay and some of the other officers and scientists did. Evan on the other hand seemed to be a natural, and apparently, he spoke several languages that were rare on Earth. "For the time being, we'll find other ways that the Athosians can contribute."

"You do not trust us?" Teyla arched a brow.

"It's not that, of course not," John assured Adrian, sliding an arm around John's back. "It's just that we...we need to train your people in our weapons and tactics."

"You invited me to be a member of your team." Adrian reminded him with a raised eyebrow.

"And we value your knowledge and expertise," John assured them. Rodney and Jay entered, and Rodney looked rather despondent. Jay walked over to lean against the desk between Teyla and Evan, arms crossed. Teyla lay a hand on Jay's shoulder and she relaxed a fraction, though she was still pissed off.

"As we value all the Athosians. For now, there should be more than enough living space for everyone within the designated area."

"We have always lived in the shadow of the Wraith, but my people have never been in a place such as this," Teyla explained.

"They are afraid," Adrian added.

"Some believe the ghosts of the Ancestors remain." Teyla finished. John, Jay, Rodney and Evan didn't blink an eye at the twin speak, however, Elizabeth and Aiden looked a little weirded out.

"I don't think that's the case, but-but still, we're going to need a bit more time in order to explore the entire city."

"We're very cautious intergalactic explorers," John said casually.

"And we don't want anyone else getting hurt the way Halling did. I mean, everyone needs to understand they are not to touch anything unfamiliar unless it's been cleared first." Elizabeth said pointedly.

"That's very important. I mean you never know. Even a tiny, little, innocuous-looking thing can...can kill you." At once everyone looked at Rodney, Jay with a look that could kill and Evan with a resigned look on his face as Rodney raised his hand. "Dead man talking."

"God, I hate you." Jay groaned, dropping her head onto Evan's shoulder. He gave her a pat on the head, earning chuckles from the rest of the room.

infirmary . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

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