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season one episode one & two ; rising . . .

part fourteen . . .

wraith planet . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

John managed to land the jumper without much more effort, although his entire body was tense with pain and Aiden could see it as John swallowed some grunt candy he'd gotten from Robert as they'd loaded onto the jumper . Which meant if he could then their men definitely could. John and Aiden exchanged a brief look before they stood from their seats and headed for the back of the jumper.

"Lock and load," Aiden ordered. The jumper had de-cloaked as it landed, so when the team exited the jumper they took up a defensive perimeter around the ship, weapons drawn. 

"All right, teams of two. Learn what you can and lay down your defences as you see fit. I want to be able to light this place up if we have to." John turned to Robert and Jamie, the two men shoulder to shoulder. "Two clicks, you're clear to talk."

"Yes, sir." Robert nodded, glancing around.

"Do not engage the enemy," John said loudly, then turned to Aidan and tapped his shoulder. "You're with me."

"Sir, may I make a suggestion?" Aiden asked before they could leave.

"What is it, Lieutenant?"

"I suggest we take Lance Corporal Reid. No offence sir, but you're not exactly looking so hot." John glanced at his watch. Eleven minutes remaining.

"Reid, with us," John ordered. Lance Corporal Zach Reid nodded his head, cocking his rifle with a feral smirk on his face.

"Yes sir." Backing up, the three men headed for the wraith base that loomed overhead.

dining room . . .

wraith ship . . .

Sumner was led to a large room. There was food set up on a table, including the head of a mastadge. The skeletal husk remains of Toran sit on a chair, Sumner recognizing him by the clothes he'd been wearing. He warily looks around, taking stock of his situation. There is a darkened ceiling with several interlocking triangular honeycombs. He startled at a noise and turned around. Behind his back, a Wraith Queen leapt down to the floor. She had similar features to the male Wraith, but her hair was bright red. He felt her presence and turned to face her, unable to hide his fear.

"You must feel hunger by now." She hissed.

hallway . . .

A drone warrior stalked down a passage inside the facility. Behind it John, Aiden and Zach crept down the hallway silently, moving into the hall when the drone disappeared.

"Those are the ugliest bastards I've ever seen," Zach said, disgusted.

"I thought getting in was going to be the hard part. That's the first one we've seen." Aiden set some C-4 into the wall and primed it. John studied the handheld device he took from the jumper, noticing the dots on the screen.

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