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season one episode three ; hide and seek . . .

part six . . .

halling's quarters . . .

main tower . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

lantea . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

That evening Halling sits at Jinto's bedside, the young boy frowning.

"You always told me I shouldn't be afraid of the dark."

"Well, I was wrong." Halling said honestly.

"I can't sleep now. What if the darkness comes?"

"It won't." Teyla stands by the open doorway.

"How do you know?"

"Because..." Teyla uses her lighter to ignite a candle from across the room. "It's afraid of fire."

"The darkness is afraid?" Teyla sits on Jinto's bed.

"Everything is afraid of something."

control room . . .

"So the shield device just came off by itself?" Peter asked Elizabeth as she explained what happened with the shield device.

"Yeah, it just stopped working. He even tried it on Sheppard."

"It wouldn't work on Sheppard." Peter informed her.

"Why not?"

"McKay didn't tell you? The text we studied said the shield imprints on the wearer. If we're right, it wouldn't work on anyone else." Rodney enters, carrying a large flood flashlight and eating a wrap of some sort. Elizabeth stares at him as Peter takes his seat.

"Are we ready?"

"You do realize that when we shut everything down, we're going to lose the sensors. We're not going to be able to track it."

"We have security personnel posted around the living quarters. At least we have some warning." She lights a candle, setting it on the top of the console. Jay entered then, now dressed in her uniform with her hair in a high pony tail and took the seat beside Peter.

"Teyla told the Athosian children that lighting a candle will help protect them." Elizabeth explained.

"And you're doing it because?" Rodney asked.

"It's going to get dark in here."

"Hmm." He lights his floodlight and mutters smugly.

"Rodney?" Jay said absently.


"Shut up." Rodney rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Major, go ahead." Elizabeth said to John, nodding to Peter. "Now."

"Shutting down power."

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