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season one episode three ; hide and seek . . .

part five . . .

stargate operations . . .

main tower . . .

the lost city of atlantis . . .

lantea . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

"As far as I can tell, there's only one entity. Now, the bright blue spots are the active Naquadah generators. This blob is our entity. It was just a matter of calibrating the sensors. Your idea is working. So far, I've been able to anticipate its approach to the active generators and shut them off remotely. Here, watch." He demonstrates on the display how the entity moves as power sources turn off. "I've got it going in circles."

"Good job."


"I hope we're not making this thing mad." Grodin nods in agreement, then his attention is drawn to the display.

"Lieutenant...this is Dr. Grodin. I'm tracking the entity heading your way. You might want to get out of the hall you're standing in."

corridor . . .

"Roger that." Aiden and Robert double back. As they approach another corridor, a door slams shut, trapping them. Both men exchange a wary glance, Aiden keying his radio. "Uh, this is Ford. A bulkhead just blocked our way. There's no panel on the wall or any way to open it that we can see." Aiden explained.

"Roger that."


research lab . . .

west pier . . .

Rodney, John, Adrian and Jinto were standing in the west pier research lab, listening to the interaction intently while Rodney was also trying to figure out what the lab was used for.

"We didn't touch anything. It could be the entity causing random malfunctions. The proximity to that large an energy disturbance could cause the Ancient technology to-to go haywire."

corridor . . .

"Lieutenant, double-back and try the door on the east side of the hall." Elizabeth instructed. The pair comply, moving warily, but it doesn't respond to the controls when Aiden waves a hand over it.

"This door won't open either."

"Here it comes." Robert said, fear shooting up his spine.

"Pull open the console on the wall." The entity approaches. Aiden takes the cover off the console.

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