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season one episode one & two ; rising . . .

part four . . .

infirmary . . .

stargate command . . .

colorado springs . . .

earth . . .

the milky way . . .

"How's it going, Carson?" Jay asked as she entered the SGC Infirmary. She hit the edge of a crate with the Atlantis designation on it and frowned, then turned towards the two Marines that were on duty with a sharp glare. She was already in a pretty crappy mood that afternoon, since dealing with Sumner always had her pissed off. "What in the bloody hell made you two knuckleheads think that this is a good place to leave a crate? How many medical emergencies happen on a daily basis? Bloody animals. Move it along the wall, you morons. Thank you." The two marines, suitably chastised, quickly move the crate to the far wall by the supply room. Carson chuckled at Jay, amused by the rough attitudes of the McKay siblings more than anything else. "Uh, whoops?"

"Dinnae worry about it, Jay." He assured her. "It's goin' alright. But if you could please remind General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner that this is a long-term mission and we need more than a month of medical supplies baring an emergency."

"You got it." Jay agreed with an easy going smile towards her friend. When Evan's team arrived in the infirmary via the door on the other side of the infirmary Jay missed the tingle that passed over the soul mark on her ribs, busy making notes for the Expedition Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Stackhouse and his soulmate, Sergeant Jamie Markham. He was smart, efficient and more reliable than a lot of other Quartermasters that Jay had worked with. She approved of his lists, his order of doing things, and she liked Markham's efficiency and work ethic.

Evan on the other hand did notice the tingle, but he figured it was just a twinge from an injury he'd gotten off-world. Sighing, Evan sat down on the bed he was directed to and stripped off his tac vest and jacket and draping them over the end of the bed while a nurse took a blood sample and checked the back of his head.

"There's no cuts or cracks or fractures." The nurse deduced. "You've got a mild concussion though."

"Shit." Evan groaned.

"Ah, do not even try any of your games, Major Lorne." Doctor Lindsay Biro said firmly. She was one of the Expeditions new Doctors doing the mandatory rotation through the SGC Infirmary for all new medical recruits.

"Come on, Doc." Evan protested. "It's just a bump on the head."

"Major, you were caught in a land side." Captain Scott said flatly from a bed a few behind him. Evan turned and glared at the Captain while Colonel Masters and Lieutenant Housten sniggered, used to Evan's antics. He'd not been particularly fond of hospitals since he'd gone in for a routine procedure when he was twelve and ended up almost dying from a hospital born infection. Evan had made his team aware of this fact, but Biro didn't know this. "You fell fifty feet, Major!"

"I've fallen farther before! And I walked the entire way back to the gate. I am fine!" Evan reminded his team, pointing a finger at them. Jay barely held back her snort of laughter at the glare, looking back down at her clipboard, only to freeze as her soulmark started burning. She snapped her head up, making eye contact with the man sitting on the bed before she tore her sight away from him. She was torn, duty and her soulmate, but ultimately she didn't get a chance to move before Biro was talking.

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