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(Listen to forever by Lewis Capaldi while reading)
10 years later
I've served the 10 years in prison. I'm 33 now and I still think about Tom everyday. I get back to the flat I've rented for now. I get in and I've got a ton of mail. I pick them up and put them on my table. I start up my new phone as I sit on a cushion in my empty flat. I go back onto Instagram and immediately search up Tom.

I told him to marry someone and start a family

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I told him to marry someone and start a family. If I told him then why am I feeling an overwhelming wave of sadness and jealousy.
I start contacting people to find out where the wedding is and I find out.
I've decided that I'm going. Not to ruin it. Just to see him.

The next day
Toms POV
Me and my groomsmen were getting ready and as I looked in the mirror I couldn't stop thinking about Tori. I tried to shake it away because she told me to get married and to move on. I'm not getting cold feet I just feel overwhelmed. She broke my heart. She fucking left me. I want to hate her but she was the love of my life. My soulmate.
"Mate?" Jacob shakes me awake from my thought train.
"You ready?" He asks.
"As I'll ever be," I force a smile.
"Tom I know what you're thinking about...are you getting cold feet?" He asks.
"I don't know, I just miss her I guess,"
"Mate she was the love of your life. You're doing what your soulmate told you to do. You still love her even ten years later." Jacob explains softly.
"It feels like betrayal to Holly. She's asked about her and I told her Tori died that night." I start to choke up.
"Mate, this is the time to back out if you want."
"No! No. I want to marry her,"
"Okay then let's go get you married!"

I stand at the alter watching the bridal party and the groomsmen come down the isle.
"Please stand for the bride!" The pastor says. The piano starts to play "The Way You Look Tonight". I did not realise she picked this song. Fuck sake I can't get Tori out of my head.
I watch her come down the isle and force a smile. Something catches my eye in the corner of my eye.
"Tori..." I say out loud.
"Holy shit Tom..." Jacob says.
"Um guys!" Holly whisper shouts. I can't keep my eyes off of her.
She's out.
She's here.
At my wedding.

Toris POV
I turn up at Toms wedding and walk quietly in.
"Please stand for the bride!" I hear the pastor say. A very familiar song comes on. "The Way You Look Tonight" did they really pick that song? I see Holly in her gorgeous wedding dress and smile at her and she smiles back as she starts to walk graciously down the aisle. I stand at the back of the church, leaving against the stone wall. I stare straight at Tom and can hear him and Jacob talking about me. Holly is starting to get mad.
I wave at him and I feel tears come down my face.
"I love you." I mouth. He just stares at me in awe and emotion.
"I'm so so sorry." I mouth. He shakes his head, a tear rolling down his face.
"Tori..." Tom says loud without realising. The whole church including Holly gasp and turn around.
"Sorry to barge in," I say and walk out the church.
"Wait!" I hear Tom shout after me.
I hear a choir of gasps and chatter.
Tom grabs my arm.
"Tori..." He looks into my eyes.
"Tom," I whisper as the tears roll down my face.
"I don't know what to say..." Tom says.
I cup his face.
"I know," I bring his forehead to mine and it brings back a familiar moment 10 years ago.
"I'll never stop loving you," I say.
"Fuck Tori," he pushes away.
"I'm sorry..."
"You shouldn't of came." He says.
"You know that I was just starting to do what YOU TOLD ME TO DO! YOU TOLD ME TO GET A WIFE AND START A NEW LIFE!" Tom shouts.
"I'm so sorry," I whisper.
"But here you are turning up at my fucking wedding, fucking with my emotions." He sits on a step.
"I just needed closure." I say.
"Well I mean you could've done that 10 years ago." He says with a sarcastic laugh.
"I shouldn't of come I'm sorry," I start to walk away but he grabs my hand again and looks at me.
"You don't even know how much I want to kiss you right now," he says.
"Tom do it." We hear Holly's voice by the entrance.
"Just kiss her okay? I don't care. Do it." She says.
"Are you sure?," I laugh.
"Just do it, Jacob just told me what happened in a nutshell, you better or I'll kiss her!" She laughs but there's pain behind it. I nod. He cups my face.
"Wait!" We hear Jacob come out with a speaker and plays "Marry You" by Bruno Mars and we giggle.
We kiss. I missed this. I want this. I can't have this.
We finish the passionate, amazing kiss and we rest our foreheads together.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." He says.
"But-" He exhales in annoyance.
"Tom? Look at me." I bring his chin up.
"You are getting married. It's okay,"
"I can't lose you again." He says.
"You're not losing me. I'm just a way back in the crowd...understand? You'll never lose me." I say. He nods weakly.
"Promise you'll never forget me." I ask.
"I promise." He says.
And I walk away for the second time. Painful again. But I have a whole life waiting for me.
To the next 10 years.

—————END OF SERIES————           

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