Chapter 17

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We woke up the next morning with the sun pouring through my window as we were too tired to close my blinds last night. We were both naked and Toms strong arms were wrapped around me. I slowly lift off his hand and he rolls over. That boy could sleep through anything. I got out of bed and put my matching pyjamas on and I shoved my hair into a messy bun. I went downstairs and the sun was shining brightly in my living room. I had to put a blanket on my couch from the tea spillage from last night;I smile at the thought of it. I start to make some coffee.
"Morning," Tom rubs his eyes and wraps his arms around me while I'm pouring the milk.
"Hey tiger, get a good sleep?" I ask, kissing his messy hair.
"Better than ever," I handed his mug to him.
"Tom I need to clean the living room!" I laugh as I try to walk with him still attached to me.
"Noooo," he whines dramatically.
"Can you make breakfast while I clean then?" I ask.
"Fine," he spins me around and I hold onto his neck and massage his hair.
"You are looking so gorgeous this morning babe," He grumbles, his tired voice made me shiver, god he's hot.
"I wanted to ask you something," I cock my head up.
"Go on..."
"I want to make us official?" He kind of asked it and made a squinty face.
"Tom, I would love that." I smile. I kiss him; he tastes of the taste of bitter coffee we were drinking.
"Hmm you taste nice," he giggles.
"Yeah I put sweeteners in my coffee and you don't do it's quite bitter," I make a sour face and he laughs.
"I'll make breakfast," he goes through to the kitchen. I just stand looking at the mess for a second, taking in the fresh air and finally not stressing about anything. I was awakened from my thoughts by the sound of a picture being taken.
"Did you just take a picture of me?" I laugh.
"Maybe..." he laughs.
"Adding to your collection are you?" I take a sip of my coffee with a smile.
"Whaaattt! There's no collection!"
"Tom you're a good actor but not great at lying!" I laugh and start to pick stuff up.
After cleaning and eating breakfast we sit on the couch and watch Friends. My phone starts suddenly blowing up.
"What the..." I go onto Instagram and I'm getting tons of followers and likes.
"Tom did you..." i click on his post.

" i click on his post

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"Oh my god Tom!" I cuddle into him

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"Oh my god Tom!" I cuddle into him.
"Sorry about everyone though, my fans will be a mixture of jealous and curious," he laughs and kisses my forehead.
"Well they're not getting you anytime soon," I kiss him.
"Not a chance." He smiles.
"I fucking love you." I say softly.
"I love fucking You." He says back. I giggle, my boyfriend. My boyfriend.

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