Chapter 8

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It was December 1st and when I went to work I found Kat still there taking photos. I go over to my desk and see a leaflet.
"What's this?" I ask, holding the leaflet up. Kat prances gracefully over to my desk.
"Christmas party!" She squeals And does jazz hands.
"You've planned the offices Christmas party?!" I look over at Jess who's clearly embarrassed.
"I was thinking it could be a big party! I could invite my friends, Jess could invite hers and you could invite your boyfriend!" She emphasises on "your boyfriend" She is just obvious with the indirect flirting it's actually quite funny.
"Yeah sure, sounds great!" I say. Obviously not meaning it.
After Kat leaves I go and talk to Jess.
" long is Kat going to be here because I'm going fucking insane with her around here!" I raise my voice.
"I'm sorry! None of my clients have ever been this...invested in me before! It's annoying but she's paying me a lot of money and my god is she self orientated!" Jess says in one breath.
"She is out to steal Tom! I know she is!" I shout.
"Yeah I'm getting that vibe too," Jess rubs her hand through her hair in stress.
"She's going to steal Tom from me Jess!" I say.
"No she's not because you and Tom are like the best couple ever! He doesn't like her!"
"Jess! She is Emily Ratajowski's TWIN! What normally wired straight man doesn't thing Emily Ratajowski's hot? I think she's hot and I'm straight!" I start pacing the room.
" I mean! If she even FLIRTED with Tom I would kick her ass back to magical hot people land."
"I would kick myself to there..." Jess adds under her breath.
"I mean! Tom is so hot! Especially to her! She going to steal him and I'll be left alone! Then SHE is going to be the one who's bringing him into work!"
"Okay Tori I think you need to sit down and take a drink of water," Jess grabs my shoulders and sits me on my office chair.
"Jess I'm just so stressed out because...I really, really like Tom and I haven't had anyone like him since Mr Cheater last year." I say as I drink a bottle of water.
"What is this?" I ask as I look at the bottle.
"It's her own water she makes...don't ask me how!" Jess says as she goes to turn her lights and equipment off.
"You know what. I'm gonna look so fucking hot that Tom won't even NOTICE Kat!" I propose.
"Oh my god! Princess Diaries makeover!" Jess jumps up and down.
"Well not really cause I'm already hot it's just adding a whole nother' layer of FIRE!" I say.
"Oh my god Victoria Gunn you are a genius!" We high five and grab out bags to head out for dinner.

As we got our drinks we both got a text.

As we got our drinks we both got a text

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