Chapter 11

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Me and Tom got back to my house late.
"So Tori, tell me how the hell you're a police woman?!" Tom asks.
"Okay well...I joined the police in Scotland because I hated living in London before. I joined the police at 17 and worked my way up and I became an investigator. But not long after I had an encounter that was scarring enough to make me stop. I then found my love for writing and I started studying at Uni this year." I say.
"What was the encounter?" Tom asks softly.
"Well...a masked guy kidnapped me and held me at gunpoint. I then managed to tackle him and take the gun off of him. Soon to then...shoot him, for self defence. I then took the mask off and there he was. My own boyfriend. It made me sad and infuriated. I killed him when I could of asked him why the hell he would do it. I had and still have no answers." I explain.
"Holy shit Tori that's crazy!" He runs his hand through his hair.
"I have some issues now though. I got diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety. I still get panic attacks and I have major trust issues so when you lied to me about your job I started to panic." I explain, I put my head in my hands.
"Tori, I am so sorry that happened to you. I would never, ever, ever do anything like that to you and I will help and protect you, okay?" Tom rubs my back softly.
"Thank you Tom." I hug him and we stay there for a while before heading to bed.

3 am. 3 am I woke up to a piercing beeping.
"What is that?" Tom rubs his eyes. I turn on my light.
"I have no clue." I get out of bed and try to follow the sound. It leads me to my wardrobe and I open it. Shit. I know where it's coming from.
"My police jacket..." I think out loud. I search the pockets for my beeping police walkie talkie and I find it.
"Detective Gunn? Detective?" I hear a familiar voice come through.
"Who is this? What the hell is going on?" I say through it.
"I know we haven't spoken in ages but there's not another detective I could think of that could handle this case. We need you Tori." I immediately know who it is.
"Sophia. You betrayed me! Why the hell would I help you?" I raise my voice.
"Because's nearly the exact same case you had...but sadly, the girl didn't make it and the guy is still out there. We need you. Please put our differences aside." She pleads.
"Oh my god no...Fine. Where are you?"

I put on black jeans and a black top and then I put my police fleece over the top. I shove my hair into a messy bun and put a coat of mascara on. I shove my heeled, black ankle boots on.
"Wait a second Tori." Tom says.
"Tom What?" I say.
"You look really hot with that outfit on." He flirts.
"Now is not the time to be flirting big guy, I'm away to investigate a murder!" I say sarcastically. His face drops and I laugh.
"Can I help?" Tom asks.
"Tom this is a homicide. You can't come anywhere near it if you're not qualified I'm sorry. Stay and sleep, I'll be back soon okay?" I kiss his forehead then close the bedroom door behind me. I run to my kitchen and grab a bottle of water, a notepad and a pen.
"Just like old times." I whisper to myself as I get in my car.

I get to the bridge where Sophia told me to come. I saw her waiting with her camera, notebook and pen.
"What's happened?" I ask. She hands me my permission tag. I put it round my neck.
"You better see it." She answers.         We slide carefully down the dirty slope and i see the police tape and a lot of police men and woman surrounding the scene. I dip under the police tape.
"What's her name?" I ask.
"We found a purse in her handbag. Her name is Nikki Holland." Sophia says.
"You have to be shitting me..."

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