Chapter 13

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Toms family pulls up.
"Tom? Are you okay?" His dad goes and sits by Tom who's white as a ghost and is sitting in an ambulance.
The three younger boys look exhausted.
I see Tom point to me and then the family comes over.
"Hi I'm Dom," Dom puts his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Detective Gunn, but call me Tori." I say sympathetically.
"I'm Sam," I shake his hand.
"I'm Harry," I shake the other boys hand.
"Pads," Harry nudges the little one to do the same but he's got his arms crossed and he's looking down.
"Hi I'm Tori, you are?" I ask softly, crouching down.
"Paddy..." he says through the tears.
"Well Paddy, I am here to help you okay? With anything." I rub his shoulders and he nods.
"Have you guys met Tori?" Tom asks weakly with a blanket around him.
"Yes," Dom answers and the rest nod.
"Have you Uh..." I can tell what he's asking.
"No..." I shake my head.
"What?" Dom asks.
"Well Tori is actually my girlfriend too," Tom smiles.
"Oh really! Wow what a great setting to meet you!" Dom says sarcastically but I can hear the pain behind the tone.
"Yeah I had no idea this was her I am so so sorry." I touch Dom's arm and he nods back in thanks.
"Now Dom can you come with me to identify her and the rest can sit at the ambulance," I nod Tom to go with the boys while I give Dom his pass.
"Okay so I just need you to identify that this is definitely her okay?" I ask.
"Right." He nods. I take the white sheet off. He crouched down and looks at her face.
"Did she have ID on her?" He asks.
"Well it technically isn't ID because there wasn't a picture of her but it was her name and date of birth." I say.
"Can I see it?" He asks.
"Sorry it's actually been taken for evidence," I say.
"I can't tell she's been so badly injured." He stands up.
"Sophia!" I shout.
"Yes," She comes over.
"Do you know the full name on the ID and the date of birth?" I ask. She flips through her notes.
"Yes. Name spelt: N-I-C-K-Y, Holland." Sophia says.
"No...Nikki's name is spelt N-I-K-K-I..." Dom looks at me.
"Oh my god." I rub my forehead.
"Does this mean..." Dom grabs my arm.
"Where's your Nikki?" I ask.

After about an hour of trying to find her, there's no luck.
"I can't believe this." Dom slams his hands on the table.
"Where is she if that isn't her!" Tom says equally mad. I get a message from the walkie talkie.
"Detective Gunn?"
"We've got her."
"You've got the real Nikki?" I ask.
"Yes, she's in very similar condition to the other one but thankfully not dead."
"We'll be right there." I say.
"Oh my god they've found her!" Tom jumps with joy and everyone grabs their stuff and we head out of the Holland's house.
When we finally get there, Nikki is in an ambulance getting checks done.
"Oh my god Nikki!" Dom rushes over to her.
"Tom I'm so sorry." I say as they all go to Nikki.
"For what?" He asks as he grabs my waist.
"Number one: having to show you a dead body who really wasn't your mother," he laughs.
"And number two: for shouting at you and lying to you." I say.
"Hey, Tori, it's fine. I understand. We can talk about it later okay?" He kisses me.
"Now go see your mum." I rub his back as we go over. She has an oxygen mast on.
"Hey mum," Tom holds her hand.
"Hi hun," she says weakly.
"I love you I'm so glad your here," He wells up and kisses her hand.
"Oh Tom!" She holds her hands out. They hug and I've never felt so emotional at a scene before.
"Hi Nikki, I'm Detective Gunn but you can call me Tori," I smile.
"Hi Tori, are you doing my case or that one?" She asks.
"I'm doing yours, I swapped because..." I look over at Tom.
"She's my girlfriend Mum. And she wants to help the family." Tom rubs my lower back.
"Oh wow! Shes gorgeous Tom! Good job!" She winks at me then rests her head back down. We all laugh.
"I am here to help and I'll be talking to you later but for now you guys need to go to the hospital," I smile at everyone and start to leave the ambulance bay.
"Wait tori!" Tom runs to me.
"You're not coming?" He asks.
"I'm sorry it's just I have to start investigating," I kiss him.
"I love you," I smile.
"Love you 10 times." He says back.
"Not possible." I smile as I turn away. Oh what a boy I've found.

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