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I laid in the dark basement on the cold floor, my face sticking to the concrete as I remained silent, breathing heavily. The door slowly began to opened as I felt the bright light from the hallway touch my eye, feeling my pupil shrink down.
The sounds of footsteps walked in and stopped by my head.
??????: get up.
I began to push myself up, once I got my bearings and could see better, I saw it was my father.
Dad: get up, your eight hours are up.
Me: yes sir.
I stood up and looked up at the man, he was probably the nicest one in my family, but he....has this aura that scares me even more than the others.
Dad: lets go.
He walked through the door as I followed. I constantly felt something within me though.....I can't explain it. I walked in to see my older sister, age 14, named Nia, she had black hair and green eyes. While I'm four years younger, I'm taller than her....not by much....but I can't do anything about her bullying, my parents always take her side, even when it's obvious she starts it.
Mom: Outside
I did as I was told and walked through the front door and sat by the tree. A few minutes later my sister walked out with a giant smile on her face.
Me: what do you need Nia?
Nia: nothing much.
From no where she decked me in the side of the head, sending me to the ground, already feeling the blood escape the side of my face.
Me: you don't have to do this.
Nia: where's the fun in that little brother? I have to get my last hits in before you're sent to boarding school, have to make these last eight years worth it.
Me: please don't.
She kicked me in the face and I was sent on my back, I heard her walk around me until I saw her above my face. She then lifted her foot and smashed the front of my face, I felt the bones snap as she lifted her foot with that smile.....that damned smile.
I felt my hands tighten on the ground as blood poured from my broken nose.
3rd POV
Y/N's hands turned black as a midnight colored aura surrounded them.
Nia: wha-
A black repulse shot Nia on her back.
Nia: Mommy! Daddy!
Y/N then stood up as his parents from from the house.
Nia: what are you?!
Y/N: a monster you made me.
His eyes turned completely black as he lifted his hand and pointed it at Nia. A black power shot from his hand and went into her vocal cords. She was sent backwards as the dark aura quickly covered her.
Dad: what are you doing to her!?
Y/N: showing her the pain she put me through, if you're smart then you'll stand there and watch.
The aura rubbed off her, her hair the color of pink and brown.
Y/N: I'm done here......good riddance family.
He walked off as his parents watched in fear. He went into the woods as they both ran to Nia.
Mom: are you okay!?
Nia opened her eyes, now brown and pink. She tried to speak up nothing came out, only a small cough.
Meanwhile the Aura disappeared around Y/N, when he finally came to his senses, he realized what happened and what he did.
Y/N: what......what was that?! What did I do?!
He ran through the forest away from his old home, feeling guilt, but also feeling relief, deep down he was happy. Deep down he loved what he was did....but at the same time....he doesn't know why.

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