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Dear Diary,

My life is a mess. I'll go into my background a different day... Today I want to focus on the topic of my overbearing sister.

My sister, we'll call her Lynn, is very strict with me. I live in her house. I have since I was young. She is 13 years older than I am.

This day, May 23, 2019, I feel particularly stressed. Before my sister headed out to work, she asked for me to clean the bathroom today. I fell back to sleep because it was so early in the morning that she forces me to wake up and walk her little dogs. I woke up hours later, and I made myself an easy breakfast.

After that, I cleaned up the entire bathroom. Threw away a whole trash hag full of garbage. Swept and mopped. Went over the floor with a steam mop. Wiped down the tub, sink, and scrubbed the toilet. Vacuumed the bath mats. I even picked new candles from the closet to burn in the house.

I did this for hours. It may be a small room, but nobody cleans it willingly. Sister calls me half way through. I can't answer it due to my phone being completely dead and on the charger. When I finish, I turn my phone on and see a text.

It asked me why I wasn't answering her. She knows my phone has bad service. She could have called the house phone.

After the call, she came home early. I was startled, as I was just finishing putting the toothbrushes back in their respective places on the bathroom counter. She goes upstairs and tells me that I "half assed" her bathroom. That I need to finish the cleaning her basement, and to start on her kitchen my own.

At the end of the night, she expects me to rub her legs with a mixture of lotion and concentrated ginger oil. It burns my skin every time. I said no because it hurts me.

Its difficult when the place isn't your own. I want out badly... If I did move, I couldn't afford to live. Ot doesnt help that i am depressed and often fantasize about running a shard of glass or the blade of a broken pencil sharpener across my wrists again like i used to do... I can't though. My boyfriend needs me....

I'll just suffer in silence again tonight. Fall asleep crying. Do it all over again.. Day in... Day out... At least.I get to go to work tomorrow... And get away from Lynn...

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