Chapter 19

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The rest of the day went by slowly. Both Rute and Balei attempted to converse with her about silly mundane things, but Lyn's mood was far from chatty.

Both girls seemed to catch on, and they finished the day without trying to talk more. When it was finally time to go, Lyndis walked home with Jordao.

Much to her disappointment, Gaius had not been waiting for her.

She had hoped to have some time to talk to him away from the house and her sister's ears.

Everything she was told earlier was deeply bothering her.

Lyndis glanced briefly to the male beside her. He hadn't made any attempt at conversation. Lyndis didn't miss the tension in his stance. Yara's words of an impending war came back to her. It wasn't just him. Everyone seemed tense.

Lyndis frowned as another spike of anxiety coursed through her. She and her sisters were practically prisoners, they weren't members of this pack. What would this war mean for them? What would happen to them if the Lua Crianca pack lost?

Lyndis felt slightly sick as those worried thoughts swirled in her head for a time. She tried to shake the unease and finally glanced up as they neared the house. Immediately, she felt another small spike of panic when she heard nothing within.

"Your mate said he will be late today. Your pack sisters remain at his brother's. The caretakers there will feed them." Jordao spoke. Lyn looked over at him.

...he couldn't have mentioned that earlier?

Lyndis glanced to the pathway that would lead to Luana's. Despite the urge to go there, she felt the tension in her body. She was agitated, and it had been a while since she shifted. She knew it was starting to affect her, she could feel how restless her fur side was.

She was ashamed to admit it, even to herself, but maybe her near loss of control with Nori had a bit to do with it. She'd been so concerned about the girls, she hadn't thought much about herself.

Lyndis sighed and looked toward the jungle. Without the worry of having to make dinner, Lyndis suddenly got the urge to run. And without taking the younger ones, she could really push it.

She needed this.

She stood there in quiet contemplation for a moment, before she glanced at Jordao.

"I'd like to go for a run... is it safe?" Lyndis asked. Jordao carefully examined her expression. Lyndis rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Like I would even try to leave without them. I was told I have no restrictions." Lyndis said firmly. Jordao was quiet for a moment before he nodded toward the jungle.

"We avoid the South and East. North border only." He replied. The North was a rougher area, it built in altitude toward a mountainous region that served as their border. It took some climbing, but there was a massive waterfall up there. Gaius had only told her about it, but he'd never taken her up there.

The heat was awful, so to add an incline to the run was something that deterred her from ever asking him to, but with evening approaching the air was cooler.

Plus, with how she was feeling, the added difficulty might do her some good... Lyndis just nodded and moved toward the front porch to drop her clothes there.

Soon, they were both running in fur toward the northern border.

Lyndis was panting hard by the time they reached the upper jungle pathway. She hadn't realized how out of shape she was becoming. It scared her a little, she couldn't afford to lose her agility. Her family was always very strict on that.

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