Chapter 22

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Lyndis walked along the dirt path beside Gaius. She didn't miss the increased enforcer patrols as they approached the pack house and she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Gaius squeezed her hand gently, he must have noticed the shift in her emotions. He glanced over at her and she offered a weak smile.

"It's just precautionary." He spoke in French. Lyndis glanced toward the pack house, but they didn't take the path that would lead them there. He took them left instead. She had never been in this part of the territory.

Gaius glanced at her from time to time, and Lyndis did her best to not look overly obvious that she was checking out the area.

It took about five minutes of walking before they reached the pack garage. To her dismay, there were a lot of enforcers stationed there.

"Are you okay?" Gaius asked.

"Yes..." Lyndis said as she glanced back behind them. One of the enforcers was eyeing her darkly. She furrowed her brow at him.

Gaius seemed more tense than usually as they headed into the garage through a side door. Lyndis watched him punch in a code and take out his keys from a lockbox. They then headed down a line of vehicles to a jeep.

She just numbly got into the passenger seat. She couldn't help but feel more and more disheartened.

It was unlikely she could steal a car with that much to get through. The gate was even more heavily guarded. They gave Gaius some trouble before they let them through. Something about a potential lockdown, and that his permission came from his mother, and not his father.

Lyndis stared out at the passing jungle as they drove through dirt roads until they finally hit the highway. It had been so long since she and her pack came there, she almost forgot how remote their land was.

"Do you... want to eat first? Or shop?" Gaius asked with a strained tone that he attempted to make cheerful. Lyndis glanced over at him. The look on his face tore at her heart a bit.

She knew he was trying.

"Whichever you want." Lyndis said. Gaius tensed his jaw and they drove in silence for a while.

Lyndis perked up a bit when they finally did reach civilization and she couldn't help but greedily take everything in. It had been so damn long since she'd been out. Her family never stayed in one place so long.

It was a strange thought that being in human cities and towns was almost comforting to her.

It was what she was used to.

Lyndis had always thought she hated the traveling. But she had grown so accustomed to it. Now she missed seeing all the sights.

She missed not being locked up...

A strange pang hit her. She wished she could take the pups there with them. They could probably use some time out too...

But she knew that wouldn't happen.

It occurred to her that if Gaius wanted to help them... he probably could just put them all in his car and leave. He could make up some excuse and Vitor wouldn't even know until it was too late.

But he wouldn't.

She had to push that thought aside before she let it show.

"What are you thinking about?" Gaius asked her in French. Lyndis glanced over at him.

"Just... the pups." She answered vaguely. He frowned and didn't press her.

Their first stop was an outdoor mall. They spent almost two hours there getting things for the girls. Gaius insisted on setting up the empty rooms for them so they could have their own space. He bought furniture to be delivered later.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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