Chapter 12

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Two weeks went by.

They had fallen into an odd routine.

It by no means felt 'normal,' everything about their situation was so far from normal, but at least the older girls were eating regularly now.

Lyndis had yet to get them to leave the house though. She knew they had to shift.. none of them had since before that night. It was not good for pups to go days, let alone weeks, without shifting. Their wolves were immature. All pups needed that release, more than they would as an adult.

Currently, she was most worried about Iyana. Her eyes were almost constantly glazed now. Lyndis sat at the table, staring at Iyana with frustration as she slowly circled the spoon in her cup of tea. It was evening.

All the young ones were on the couch watching a Portuguese cartoon. In the darkness, Lyn could clearly see the night shine of Iyana's eyes. Lyndis herself was getting restless again. She had only gone out once to relieve her wolf while Gaius watched the girls. It deeply perturbed her to be followed everywhere.

Despite Gaius insisting it was for her 'protection,' she felt the hostility off them. She wasn't a fool. They were prison keepers, not protectors.

It disheartened her all the more when she tried to use the opportunity to find a potential escape route. With the pending threat of the Filho, they seemed to have enforcers stationed everywhere. It would be impossible to escape on foot, especially with the young ones. She would have to find another way...

"We really need to get them outside tomorrow," Gaius spoke quietly from beside her. Lyndis did not glance over at him. She kept her gaze on Iyana.

"If you would do as I asked... it would be easier," Lyndis said. Her tone was hostile. She couldn't help it.

Their relationship was definitely a far cry from what it used to be. Lyndis couldn't help the resentment, and it only seemed to make him try harder to make amends, which in turn, just made her resent him more.

They'd only had sex once in the last two weeks, and it had been aggressive and far from loving. Just another bout of meeting the needs their bond had pushed on them. But despite how she felt, she'd been sleeping in their bed. She found she didn't sleep well otherwise.

Gaius dragged a hand over his face. She knew he was done hearing it. They'd had this conversation about fifty times in the past few weeks.

"Lyn... I told you. If you give him something, he'll give you something... but you've done nothing he's asked." Gaius said.

Lyndis wanted to roll her eyes.

Sure enough, that following Sunday they had the fight she had been preparing for. She had no intention of leaving them. She had no intention of continuing her 'pack duties,' for this wasn't even her pack anymore. She outright refused everything.

Like hell she was going to sit in those fucking meetings anymore... or do anything Carina asked of her.

Gaius had stormed off after. He didn't even come home that night. She had said some pretty awful things to him, but she didn't apologize. She wouldn't let herself.

Everything she said had been justified.

She didn't know what Gaius ended up telling his parents, but for some reason, the issue hadn't been brought up again. Not that she was complaining, she was grateful for it. She didn't want anything to do with this pack.

But there was one thing that was frustrating her most of all. Despite all her pleading, he had yet to give her access to a phone.

"My parents could order them to," Lyndis said firmly. Not that she wanted her parents to know what kind of state the girls were in, but she didn't know what else to do at this point.

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