Chapter 18

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After they cleaned up and the other caretakers arrived to start dinner, Lipha sent Lyndis to the laundry room in lieu of helping in the kitchen.

After the altercation, it was obvious she did it as a kindness or maybe she just didn't want to further tempt Lyndis to teach the mouthy little brat a lesson. Whatever her reasoning, Lyn was grateful for it.

She was starting to like Lipha more and more. The next hour went by quickly with washing and folding and before she knew it she was heading out onto the dirt path that would take her home.

She half expected Gaius to be waiting for her, but he wasn't. She started walking regardless since she knew full well she'd have an escort either way the moment she reached the jungle path. And it was just when she reached the junction of pathways that she caught his scent. Lyn paused and glanced back to wait for him.

"Hey..." He said as he fell into step with her. His expression was slightly confused. Lyn realized he came from the direction of Gita's.

"I'm not to go there anymore," Lyndis said. Gaius frowned at her but said nothing.

They walked home in silence.

Lyn made dinner and they went through the typical nighttime routine. But the whole time, Lyndis felt distracted. Ever since earlier, her thoughts were more focused than ever on an escape plan she couldn't seem to figure out. She already knew escape on foot was out of the question.

There had to be another way...

As she lay on her back beside Gaius, her thoughts continued, but it only frustrated her more. She knew the pack had vehicles, but the garages must be on the other side of the pack territory, likely somewhere around the main house. She'd never seen them. Maybe if she could steal one... but how would she get all the girls there without raising suspicion?

"What are you thinking about?" Gaius asked her quietly. Lyn looked over at him. It was dark in the room, not that it mattered with their night sight.

"Nothing..." Lyndis said and turned on her side away from him. Gaius gently rubbed her back. Lyn firmly pursed her lips into a thin line. That simple gesture made her feel guilty.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. You've been distracted all evening." Gaius replied. Lyndis said nothing. She wouldn't even let herself think of what would become of them if she did manage to escape. Gaius sighed.

"Talk to me." Gaius persisted. Lyndis lay there staring at the open window. She hated that she felt guilty. She shouldn't feel guilty at all.

Lyndis finally glanced back at him. He was studying her face with a look of concern. For the briefest of moments, Lyndis thought to ask him to help her. To help them. She was starting to realize how little hope she had getting out of there with five pups without help. She wanted to believe her mate would do that, if not for her... but because it was right.

But she knew he never would.

It hurt her heart.

"I nearly attacked one of your sisters today," Lyndis said. By the look on his face, she knew he wouldn't let up until she gave him something. Though it wasn't the main thing bothering her... it was definitely one of them. Gaius stared at her for a moment.

"Nori?" He asked. Lyndis gave him a strange look at how quickly he connected those dots. Gaius sighed and rolled onto his back. He ran a hand down his face as his expression turned annoyed.

"I'll talk to her..." Gaius said. Lyndis frowned at him.

"No, that will only make it worse," Lyndis said quickly. Gaius looked back at her.

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